Logs for #nikola for 2025-01-05

21:12:05 <AlaricToo> Hey all y'all.  I'm using material-theme on my site (https://fenianhouse.com), and I'd like to add a Discord link which comes as a preformatted iframe.  Can anyone offer tips on how best to do it?
21:22:06 <ChrisWarrick> AlaricToo: is it really a link if it’s an iframe?
21:22:24 <AlaricToo> OK, I should say widget rather than link
21:22:45 <ChrisWarrick> AlaricToo: you can paste html in many places
21:22:59 <ChrisWarrick> AlaricToo: if you want it on all pages, modifying the templates is the easiest way to go
21:23:15 <AlaricToo> (so far I'm testing just adding it to a static page and that's not showing up, so I don't know yet what I'm doing wrong)
21:23:42 <ChrisWarrick> how is it “not showing up”?
21:24:11 <ChrisWarrick> nikola should not do anything to HTML you paste in, as long as your input format accepts HTML
21:24:18 <ChrisWarrick> for reST, you need a `.. raw:: html` block
21:24:54 <AlaricToo> I'm taking the <iframe> object supplied by Discord and pasting it into a local, not-Nikola-managed, static test page, but no widget is appearing on the page, so I'l evidently doing something wrong
21:25:14 <ChrisWarrick> oh
21:25:41 <ChrisWarrick> the widget may not cooperate if you’re opening a html file, or if you have tracking protection in your browser
21:29:10 <AlaricToo> Ah, wait, I've figured out what I was doing wrong and got it showing up on a test page, although it's not quite working correctly — I had to whitelist it through EFF Privacy Badger but it's still not showing actual Discord server data
21:29:29 <AlaricToo> I might have to fall back to using a static link
21:29:49 <ChrisWarrick> static links are usually nicer than iframes
21:29:56 <ChrisWarrick> you could make a nice static button
21:30:17 <AlaricToo> it sounds like .. raw:: html  is probably the way to go to add it to a page though
21:30:32 <ChrisWarrick> if you’re using rest, sure
21:31:41 <AlaricToo> yeah, I decided reST seemed like the best option
21:32:02 <AlaricToo> it's working well for me so far
21:41:51 <AlaricToo> is there a doc page that has an example of how to correctly use that?
21:59:22 <AlaricToo> AAAAH!  I *also* have to enable the widget in my *Discord* server settings
21:59:35 <AlaricToo> That's why the widget wasn't working
22:00:07 <AlaricToo> Is there a documentation example for raw:: html ?   I haven't found one.
22:10:52 <ChrisWarrick> there isn’t much to document
22:11:09 <ChrisWarrick> ".. raw:: html\n\n   <strong>hello</strong>"
22:28:34 <AlaricToo> aaaah, I was missing the blank line after the declaration
22:29:58 <AlaricToo> Another question:  I know I can delimit lines with ---- and ==== for headings.  But whichever I use FIRST seems to always be H1 and the other, H2.  What can I do if I want the first one encountered on a page to be a H2?
22:30:23 <AlaricToo> (i.e, I want H2 - H1 - H1 - H1)
22:37:41 <ChrisWarrick> this is not semantic HTML, and AFAIK, reST does not allow something like this
22:44:34 <AlaricToo> OK, just wondered if there was something I was missing there
22:45:05 <AlaricToo> I've worked around it for now by making that tle last, instead of first, element on the page