Logs for #nikola for 2024-10-23

02:25:48 <KwBot> [nikola] davidtbo opened issue #3797: ERROR: theme: Cannot find template base_helper.tmpl in the lookup https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/3797
02:25:48 <KwBot> [nikola] davidtbo opened issue #3797: ERROR: theme: Cannot find template base_helper.tmpl in the lookup https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/3797
12:07:09 <mgedmin> hi, fine folk!  I'm trying to migrate an old static site away from blogofile (on python 2.7)
12:07:49 <mgedmin> what I want is something that takes a bunch of mako files in a shallow directory tree and renders them
12:08:11 <mgedmin> I'm trying to see whether nikola can do what I want
12:08:28 <mgedmin> I'm having trouble disabling all the theme stuff and everything that generates a bunch of unnecessary-for-me files in output/
12:15:17 <mgedmin> DISABLED_PLUGINS helps a lot
17:50:42 <ChrisWarrick> mgedmin: yeah, disabling plugins is probably the only way to go here