Logs for #nikola for 2024-07-16

16:29:46 <feoh> Once I get our site to where I'm happy with it I think I'll generate a PR for some extra documentation and maybe a different page template to make setting up a docs site with Nikola even more obvious than it is now.
17:11:04 <feoh> OK sorry I'm floundering on what is hopefully a fine point: Is there a way for me to create an index.md page that will display as the site root / index? I put it in pages/ and it doesn't seem to be picked up. My nav menu is rendering properly but I just don't get any of the file's contents.
17:43:20 <feoh> Interesting if I surf to mysite/pages it shows up.
17:44:23 <Zhenech> that's exactly (well, almost, mine is index.rst, but that shouldn't matter) my page is set up
17:45:21 <feoh> So do I need to change anything in conf.py to get it to render that at / instead / in addition?
17:45:32 <Zhenech> https://github.com/evgeni/bley/tree/page-source if you want to dig
17:46:06 <feoh> Thanks!
17:46:13 <Zhenech> how does your PAGES config look like?
17:46:18 <Zhenech> is the destination set to ""?
17:46:25 <feoh> AH
17:46:34 <feoh> That's the problem I think. Thanks!
17:46:38 <feoh> it's set to 'pages'.
17:46:47 <Zhenech> yeah… no :)
17:48:33 <Zhenech> even getnikola.com uses that: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola-site/blob/master/conf.py#L37 :)
18:44:04 <feoh> That's a handy link, thanks!
18:48:59 <feoh> Ah. Also need to set INDEX_PATH which makes sense: [2024-07-16 14:47:44] ERROR: Nikola: Post 'pages/index.md': output path (output/index.html) conflicts with the blog index (output/index.html). Please change INDEX_PATH or disable index generation.
18:52:31 <feoh> That worked. THanks for the assist!