Logs for #nikola for 2021-10-30

03:35:44 <jasonbraganza> ChrisWarrick, i saw you suggest this to another question the other day, and that is what got me thinking along these lines. will go try it out. thank you muchly :)
04:48:06 <jasonbraganza> ChrisWarrick, is there a place i can understand the architecture of Nikola? as someone who’d like to extend / contribute to Nikola? or is reading the code the only way to go?
08:59:59 <ChrisWarrick> jasonbraganza: a high-level overview would be https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/blob/master/docs/architecture/nikola-architecture-draw-io.png
12:12:32 <jasonbraganza> ChrisWarrick, thank you.
12:13:00 <ChrisWarrick> you're welcome!
23:26:57 <cshelton024> Hi. My name is Chris Shelton. I recently purchased a web development company that went bankrupt, and it came with several domain names that are up for sale. I have several, really good domain names in the categories of web development, marketing, SEO & many others. Please message me if you are interested in hearing some of the domain names, or have any questions. These are really great domain names that are worth good money, and priced to sell.