02:45:52 <sanadan> anyone here able to provide some help? I've stumbled my way through building a super simple nikola site but can't seem to get THEME_COLOR to do anything 02:46:19 <sanadan> # Primary color of your theme. This will be used to customize your theme. 02:46:35 <sanadan> site looks the same 02:46:43 <sanadan> # Name of the theme to use. 03:01:54 <sanadan> help? 04:08:48 <sanadan> not sure if anyone responded or not since I lost my connection :/ 08:47:20 <ChrisWarrick> !tell sanadan THEME_COLOR is used for browser navigation bar coloring (Chrome on Android in Light Mode uses that). I don’t think any themes actually use it for their CSS. 08:47:20 <KwBot> ChrisWarrick: acknowledged. 15:26:02 <KwBot> sanadan: 08:47:20 <ChrisWarrick> THEME_COLOR is used for browser navigation bar coloring (Chrome on Android in Light Mode uses that). I don’t think any themes actually use it for their CSS. 15:28:02 <sanadan> ChrisWarrick - thanks. I managed to figure out how to add cerulean theme (easy once I tried), and it looks great on local host with nikola build, nikola serve, but the theme doesn't deploy when I run nikola github_deploy 15:28:33 <ChrisWarrick> sanadan: what do you mean, doesn’t deploy? 15:29:12 <sanadan> the theme didn't change on the live site - still default... 15:29:38 <sanadan> but now I just reloaded and it's changed... maybe some weird caching thing - it looks right now (live site) 15:29:53 <ChrisWarrick> yeah, github pages sometimes caches too much 15:30:00 <sanadan> https://m-dodd.github.io/ 15:30:21 <sanadan> yeah - sometimes I need to push twice before I've seen the content change 15:30:27 <sanadan> maybe I'm just impatient 15:30:47 <sanadan> sorry to bother you - it seems to work fine - I just am very new to all of this stuff 15:32:18 <ChrisWarrick> it’s always okay to ask 15:35:42 <sanadan> thanks - next task is to add column to display more images so I guess I'm going to have to learn bootstrap HTML - I was hoping to get away with just markdown... but now I'm just talking about cosmetics