11:40:19 <KwBot> [nikola] ManosMagnus opened issue #3257: Org-Mode: Captions and HTML Attributes https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/3257 11:43:12 <KwBot> [nikola] ManosMagnus closed issue #3257: Org-Mode: Captions and HTML Attributes https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/3257 18:56:23 <StyXman> I think I have an issue with the gallery output but I wanted to check with you guys first 19:12:15 <StyXman> it seems like the js lib thatvarranges the photos in a page does not work in Android's System Webview 19:12:41 <StyXman> this is a component that might be deprecated in newer Android for Chrome 19:16:13 <StyXman> but if you're running an Android with f-droid and chrome disabled, it's your only option 19:22:21 <ChrisWarrick> StyXman: is firefox not avilable in alternate app stores?