07:30:45 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] felixfontein force-pushed earlytask_impl from 6b5d531 to f7b8d7f: http://git.io/zEQY8Q 07:30:45 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/earlytask_impl f7b8d7f Felix Fontein: Split tasks into stages, with three (four) default stages: EarlyTask, Task and LateTask.... 07:36:36 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4568 (earlytask_impl - f7b8d7f : Felix Fontein): The build is still failing. 07:36:36 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/6b5d5313b2e6...f7b8d7ffe030 07:36:36 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/47615068 12:31:39 <ChrisWarrick> KwBot: help 12:32:17 <ChrisWarrick> KwBot: help me 12:32:17 <KwBot> ChrisWarrick: This is KwBot. Commands: help, ping, tell <target> <message> 13:02:21 <ChrisWarrick> KwBot: ping a 13:02:21 <KwBot> ChrisWarrick: pong 13:02:24 <ChrisWarrick> KwBot: ping 13:02:24 <KwBot> ChrisWarrick: pong 13:02:27 <ChrisWarrick> KwBot: help 13:02:27 <KwBot> ChrisWarrick: This is KwBot. Commands: help, ping, tell <target> <message> 14:48:16 <ivor> Is there a list of nice looking websites using nikola? 14:51:05 <ChrisWarrick> ivor: http://users.getnikola.com/ 15:03:22 <ivor> ChrisWarrick: Thanks, checking that out now 15:08:48 <ChrisWarrick> KwBot: hello 15:09:03 <ivor> ChrisWarrick: How do I actually get to a site? Is this an IQ test which I have failed? 15:09:09 <ChrisWarrick> ivor: click on the name 15:09:30 <ivor> name? Most of the rectangles have no name. 15:09:51 <ralsina> ChrisWarrick: looks like users is sorta broken 15:10:14 <ChrisWarrick> ralsina: oh wait 15:11:33 -GitHub[sites]:#nikola- [nikola-users] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/4dffzw 15:11:33 -GitHub[sites]:#nikola- nikola-users/master b8fc360 Chris Warrick: fix margin... 15:12:03 <ChrisWarrick> ralsina, ivor: I forgot there was a CSS change here or there, which means it breaks 15:12:59 <ivor> ChrisWarrick: Any ETA for the fix? 15:13:08 <ChrisWarrick> ivor: 2 minutes 15:13:15 <ivor> :) 15:13:33 <ChrisWarrick> ralsina, ivor: deployed, looks fine now 15:15:22 <ChrisWarrick> KwBot: hi 15:16:06 <ChrisWarrick> hmm, best unicode practices don’t work in twisted 15:16:08 <ChrisWarrick> KwBot: hello 15:16:08 <KwBot> ChrisWarrick: Hello! 15:17:28 <ralsina> ChrisWarrick: and twisted for python3 is not all the way there 15:35:56 <ChrisWarrick> KwBot: hello does logging work 15:35:56 <KwBot> ChrisWarrick: Hello! 15:42:12 <ChrisWarrick> KwBot: hi 15:42:12 <KwBot> ChrisWarrick: Hi! 15:43:00 <ChrisWarrick> there, the bot works 15:54:37 <ralsina> KwBot: helló! 16:01:34 <ChrisWarrick> ralsina: we can do unicode well 16:01:54 <ChrisWarrick> ralsina: KwBot now powers https://irclogs.getnikola.com/ btw 16:02:00 <ralsina> ChrisWarrick: cool 16:02:10 <ralsina> so we have to be serious now :-) 16:02:29 <ralsina> ChrisWarrick: want a highlighter for it so it's pretty? 16:02:41 <ChrisWarrick> ralsina: you linked me to one that was botched last time 16:02:42 <ralsina> In fact, if it rotates, say, daily, we can do a nice site out of it using Nikola 16:02:52 <ralsina> really? Sorry then :-) 16:03:28 <ChrisWarrick> ralsina: what was it? 16:03:50 <ralsina> no idea, I have no memory of it to be honest 16:04:27 <ChrisWarrick> ralsina: wait, it was Aeyoun 16:04:33 <ralsina> hey, pygments supports "IRC logs (irssi style)" 16:04:52 <ChrisWarrick> http://mg.pov.lt/irclog2html/ ← broken 16:05:00 <ChrisWarrick> ralsina: what tool do you have to offer? 16:05:21 <ralsina> ChrisWarrick: if pygments supports that, then a compiler would be very easy 16:05:37 <ralsina> and if it rotates daily, we do daily archives and put that as homepage 16:05:46 <ChrisWarrick> ralsina: daily Nikola posts? 16:06:07 <ralsina> nah, just a separate site with the IRC logs 16:06:27 <ralsina> you *could* subscribe to IRC via RSS using it but it's probably a awful idea :-) 16:07:46 <Aeyoun> ChrisWarrick: cool 16:08:16 <Aeyoun> ChrisWarrick: will it create one massive file? or split to one file per day? 16:08:26 <ChrisWarrick> Aeyoun: as of right now, one massive post 16:08:41 <ChrisWarrick> file* 16:08:43 <ChrisWarrick> Aeyoun: and I just produced the necessary patch to produce one per day 16:08:51 <Aeyoun> ChrisWarrick: logrotate? 16:08:57 <ChrisWarrick> Aeyoun: oh. 16:09:01 <Aeyoun> no need to reinvent the wheel. 16:09:31 <ralsina> ChrisWarrick: indeed pygments handles that nicely http://hastebin.com/ijomutovug.xml 16:09:55 <ChrisWarrick> ralsina: perfect 16:10:17 <ralsina> it's "dumb" in that it doesn't do things like make nicks into hyperlinks or whatever but that's mostly useless 16:10:32 <Aeyoun> html5 <time> element? :D 16:10:34 <ralsina> we should have a generic "external command" compiler 16:10:44 <ralsina> Aeyoun: you fanatic :-) 16:10:52 <Aeyoun> Links would be useful. 16:11:03 <ralsina> it can all be added in postproduction :-) 16:11:16 <ralsina> or by writing another lexer at some point 16:11:18 <Aeyoun> Anyway, now we just feed this to Google and stick a "download nikola here" header to the file. Auto-marketing/documentation. 16:15:23 <ChrisWarrick> Aeyoun: logrotate won’t work here, unless I were to produce a hack 16:15:53 <Aeyoun> Aeyoun: why not? its meant to do this exact thing. 16:18:12 <ChrisWarrick> Aeyoun: you’ve just responded to yourself 16:18:28 <ChrisWarrick> Aeyoun: logrotate does not have a “rotate forever” option, for one 16:19:11 <ChrisWarrick> Aeyoun: also, it does not seem to have an option to pick file names 16:26:04 <ChrisWarrick> oh great, my VPS doesn’t have enough RAM to compile nikola 16:26:13 <ChrisWarrick> lxml* 16:28:27 <ivor> I was looking for menu headers that had submenus but didn't see any in the 100 or so I clicked on from http://users.getnikola.com/. Does submenu support exist with nikola? 16:29:37 <ChrisWarrick> ivor: yes 16:30:23 <ivor> Thanks ChrisWarrick. I just found it in the handbook. 16:30:24 <ChrisWarrick> ivor: example is in the docs; demo: http://getbootstrap.com/components/#navbar (click Dropdown in any example) 16:30:39 <ivor> Support for submenus is theme-dependent. Only one level of submenus is supported. 16:31:21 <ivor> I copied that last sentence from the docs and I am now looking at the demo you supplied. 16:56:33 <ChrisWarrick> ralsina: I cannot get pygments to work with the logs 16:56:47 <ralsina> ChrisWarrick: pygmentize -l irc -f html foo.log 16:56:52 <ralsina> that wrked here 16:57:04 <ChrisWarrick> <div class="highlight"><pre>2015-01-20 15:42:12 <ChrisWarrick> KwBot: hi 16:57:22 <ChrisWarrick> ralsina: pygmentize 2.x is broken apparently 16:57:38 <ralsina> ChrisWarrick: I am in 1.6 still 16:57:45 <ralsina> ChrisWarrick: ubuntu system package 16:58:30 <ChrisWarrick> ralsina: venv downgraded, reporting bug upstream 17:23:29 <ChrisWarrick> KwBot: hello 17:23:29 <KwBot> ChrisWarrick: Hello! 17:24:15 <ChrisWarrick> KwBot: hi 17:24:15 <KwBot> ChrisWarrick: Hi! 17:25:19 <ChrisWarrick> there, logging works 17:25:31 <ChrisWarrick> now, onto testing cron — we’ll see what happens in 5 minutes 17:38:42 <ChrisWarrick> ralsina, Aeyoun: all done. http://irclogs.getnikola.com/ http://irclogs.getnikola.com/logs/2015-01-20/ 17:39:08 <ralsina> cute! 17:40:58 <ChrisWarrick> also, this is probably the first time where mako wins over jinja. str.replace() straight in templates. 17:43:44 <punchagan> KwBot: hi 17:43:44 <KwBot> punchagan: Hi! 17:52:00 <travis-ci> [PLUGINS] getnikola/plugins#571 (master - 8fefd24 : Chris Warrick): The build passed. 17:52:00 <travis-ci> [PLUGINS] Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/plugins/compare/3ee916554eb1...8fefd2461027 17:52:00 <travis-ci> [PLUGINS] Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/plugins/builds/47676560 17:52:08 <ChrisWarrick> KwBot: help 17:52:08 <KwBot> ChrisWarrick: This is KwBot. Main command: tell <target> <message> -- relay <message> to <target> when they join the channel next time 17:52:29 <ChrisWarrick> the bot also fixes my biggest woe, when people leave before they can get an answer 17:53:12 <punchagan> awesome! 18:02:34 <Aeyoun> ChrisWarrick: Cool. 18:02:39 <ChrisWarrick> Aeyoun: thanks! 18:02:41 <Aeyoun> Nice with auto-documentation. ;-) 18:55:16 <ChrisWarrick> !hi 18:55:16 <KwBot> ChrisWarrick: Hi! 18:55:18 <ChrisWarrick> !ping 18:55:18 <KwBot> ChrisWarrick: pong 18:55:19 <ChrisWarrick> KwBot: ping 18:55:19 <KwBot> ChrisWarrick: pong 18:55:23 <ChrisWarrick> KwBotping 18:55:25 <ChrisWarrick> KwBot:ping 18:55:27 <ChrisWarrick> KwBot: ping 18:55:27 <KwBot> ChrisWarrick: pong 18:55:28 <ChrisWarrick> KwBot, ping 18:55:28 <KwBot> ChrisWarrick: pong 18:55:31 <ChrisWarrick> KwBot!!ping 18:55:31 <KwBot> ChrisWarrick: pong 19:06:38 <ChrisWarrick> christ, nikola is fucking broken 20:02:49 -ChrisWarrick:#nikola- Now logging notices. 20:03:30 -ChrisWarrick:#nikola- So travis and GH output will be there. 20:14:15 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4578 (master - 0d40329 : Chris Warrick): The build passed. 20:14:15 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/3d1b7be465c8...0d40329887b4 20:14:15 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/47693067 21:04:42 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] felixfontein force-pushed earlytask_impl from b2c362c to 07e5ebd: http://git.io/zEQY8Q 21:04:42 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/earlytask_impl 27ebed6 Felix Fontein: Split tasks into stages, with three (four) default stages: EarlyTask, Task and LateTask.... 21:04:42 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/earlytask_impl e3c190a Felix Fontein: Changed early task stage to -10 instead of -1. 21:04:42 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/earlytask_impl 0de6fc3 Felix Fontein: Changed some remaining 'level's to 'stage'. 21:17:36 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4579 (earlytask_impl - 07e5ebd : Felix Fontein): The build is still failing. 21:17:36 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/b2c362cce479...07e5ebd50814 21:17:36 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/47700981 21:34:52 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] felixfontein pushed 1 new commit to compiler-config-deps: http://git.io/sFnoow 21:34:52 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/compiler-config-deps c59f5b9 Felix Fontein: Ensuring that config_dependencies is a list of strings. 21:37:34 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] felixfontein opened pull request #1595: Fixing problem with config dependencies for markdown and pandoc. (master...compiler-config-deps) http://git.io/8B8ObQ 21:45:24 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] felixfontein pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/tlR8-g 21:45:24 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master ffd75d5 Felix Fontein: Also recompiling indices when DEMOTE_HEADERS changes, and not only posts and pages. 21:47:15 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4580 (compiler-config-deps - c59f5b9 : Felix Fontein): The build was broken. 21:47:15 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/300c64574fbe...c59f5b9b6b7b 21:47:15 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/47704988 21:53:24 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] felixfontein pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/SRAfFQ 21:53:24 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master 9838478 felixfontein: Merge pull request #1595 from getnikola/compiler-config-deps... 21:54:20 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] felixfontein force-pushed earlytask_impl from 07e5ebd to 0d55d6e: http://git.io/zEQY8Q 21:54:20 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/earlytask_impl d35697f Felix Fontein: Split tasks into stages, with three (four) default stages: EarlyTask, Task and LateTask.... 21:54:20 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/earlytask_impl dcdb681 Felix Fontein: Changed early task stage to -10 instead of -1. 21:54:20 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/earlytask_impl 1ddc8c9 Felix Fontein: Changed some remaining 'level's to 'stage'. 22:04:35 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4582 (master - ffd75d5 : Felix Fontein): The build passed. 22:04:35 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/0d40329887b4...ffd75d5124f8 22:04:35 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/47706380 22:11:04 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4583 (master - 9838478 : felixfontein): The build passed. 22:11:04 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/ffd75d5124f8...983847857139 22:11:04 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/47707352 22:20:01 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] felixfontein pushed 1 new commit to earlytask_impl: http://git.io/5HX5tg 22:20:01 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/earlytask_impl 6f2021b Felix Fontein: Making flake8 happy. 22:30:10 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4585 (earlytask_impl - 6f2021b : Felix Fontein): The build is still failing. 22:30:10 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/0d55d6e4f454...6f2021b9c5bb 22:30:10 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/47710660