00:32 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] punchagan created rss-gmt-last-build-date (+1 new commit): http://git.io/qxQpzQ 00:32 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/rss-gmt-last-build-date fc93c5d Puneeth Chaganti: RSS2 expects lastBuildDate to be GMT.... 00:33 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] punchagan opened pull request #1580: RSS2 expects lastBuildDate to be GMT. (master...rss-gmt-last-build-date) http://git.io/MnxhdQ 00:40 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4518 (rss-gmt-last-build-date - fc93c5d : Puneeth Chaganti): The build passed. 00:40 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/commit/fc93c5d51512 00:40 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/47310480 09:53 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/ya6aZg 09:53 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master 2e3c4b7 Chris Warrick: Merge pull request #1580 from getnikola/rss-gmt-last-build-date... 09:59 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4520 (master - 2e3c4b7 : Chris Warrick): The build passed. 09:59 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/7987770a240f...2e3c4b78f002 09:59 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/47333642 11:59 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] mforbes opened pull request #1582: Fix #1581 (master...fix-1581) http://git.io/FujAIw 12:37 < Elinvention> hello, nikola community! 12:40 < Elinvention> Just a question: I saw somewhere that if you put markdown="1" on an html tag, the content inside that tag should be rendered as markdown 12:41 < Elinvention> however that doesn't happen with nikola 7.3.0 12:42 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska closed pull request #1582: Fix #1581 (master...fix-1581) http://git.io/FujAIw 12:47 < Elinvention> so this problem will be fixed with 7.3.1 release? 12:48 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4524 (master - ddaa0dc : Chris Warrick): The build passed. 12:48 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/2e3c4b78f002...ddaa0dcc51cf 12:48 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/47341426 13:25 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/A-Vw4Q 13:25 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master 90b5782 Chris Warrick: update AUTHORS... 13:31 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4525 (master - 90b5782 : Chris Warrick): The build passed. 13:31 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/ddaa0dcc51cf...90b5782addd7 13:31 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/47343767 13:33 <+ChrisWarrick> markdown="1", wat 13:37 <+ChrisWarrick> https://github.com/waylan/Python-Markdown/issues/52 not supported by python-markdown 15:08 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska created fix-root-links (+1 new commit): http://git.io/L4LLnQ 15:08 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/fix-root-links aa3f967 Chris Warrick: fix #1008, fix #1573... 15:10 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska opened pull request #1583: fix #1008, fix #1573 (master...fix-root-links) http://git.io/j0ciLA 15:14 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4526 (fix-root-links - aa3f967 : Chris Warrick): The build passed. 15:14 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/commit/aa3f967ccf8b 15:14 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/47349390 16:00 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] ralsina deleted rss-gmt-last-build-date at fc93c5d: http://git.io/9FnIUg 17:23 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] ralsina created rss-in-gallery (+1 new commit): http://git.io/TRae_g 17:23 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/rss-in-gallery 4a6ee65 Roberto Alsina: Add RSS feeds to gallery's HEAD (Issue #786) 17:24 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] ralsina opened pull request #1584: Add RSS feeds to gallery's HEAD (Issue #786) (master...rss-in-gallery) http://git.io/N-43rQ 17:30 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4528 (rss-in-gallery - 4a6ee65 : Roberto Alsina): The build failed. 17:30 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/commit/4a6ee659a9b0 17:30 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/47357796 18:31 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/kTt_gw 18:31 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master f55b6ed Chris Warrick: Merge pull request #1584 from getnikola/rss-in-gallery... 18:33 -travis-ci:#nikola- Invariant build by Chris Warrick: The build passed. See http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/invariant-builds/builds/47362738. 18:38 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4530 (master - f55b6ed : Chris Warrick): The build was broken. 18:38 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/90b5782addd7...f55b6ed967df 18:38 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/47362740 18:47 < ralsina> kushal: if you still want to talk to Manuel Kaufman, he's humitos in this very IRC network ;-) 18:47 < kushal> ralsina, :) 18:48 < kushal> I wanted to know more about his workshops and Python teaching stuff. 18:48 < ralsina> he's on #pyar the argentinian python channel (slogan "PyAr is love") 18:48 < kushal> ralsina, I wanted to have community's feedback about his workshop/python teaching things. 18:48 < kushal> ralsina, pmn 18:48 < kushal> pm 18:49 < ralsina> cool 18:49 < punchagan> hi kushal 18:49 < kushal> punchagan, Hello 18:58 < kushal> ralsina, otherwise how are you? 18:59 < kushal> ralsina, I am working on http://tunir.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ 18:59 < ralsina> sounds interesting! 19:00 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/S75byg 19:00 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master 4015404 Chris Warrick: Try to fix AppVeyor by using shell=True on Windows... 19:08 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4531 (master - 4015404 : Chris Warrick): The build was fixed. 19:08 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/f55b6ed967df...4015404b7354 19:08 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/47364971 19:47 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] ralsina created compiler-config-deps (+5 new commits): http://git.io/_HtfUw 19:47 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/compiler-config-deps 7427215 Roberto Alsina: add config dependency on enabled/available rst plugins (Issue #1523) 19:47 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/compiler-config-deps 23a5c54 Roberto Alsina: add config dependency on enabled markdown plugins (Issue #1523) 19:47 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/compiler-config-deps ccd37a5 Roberto Alsina: add config dependency on enabled markdown plugins (Issue #1523) 19:48 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] ralsina opened pull request #1585: Compiler config deps (master...compiler-config-deps) http://git.io/valzNg 19:54 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4532 (compiler-config-deps - 04c0511 : Roberto Alsina): The build passed. 19:54 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/74272159ff77^...04c0511865e2 19:54 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/47368154 20:08 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska closed pull request #1585: Compiler config deps (master...compiler-config-deps) http://git.io/valzNg 20:14 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4534 (master - b7c6572 : Chris Warrick): The build passed. 20:14 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/4015404b7354...b7c6572e639a 20:14 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/47369700 20:17 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] ralsina deleted compiler-config-deps at 04c0511: http://git.io/Sac6Hw 20:19 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska created fix-appveyor (+1 new commit): http://git.io/YxUd0A 20:19 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/fix-appveyor a96ede3 Chris Warrick: use full path to nikola... 20:26 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4535 (fix-appveyor - a96ede3 : Chris Warrick): The build failed. 20:26 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/commit/a96ede3d2c06 20:26 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/47370693 20:34 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] ralsina created compiler-config-deps (+1 new commit): http://git.io/YcseAA 20:34 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/compiler-config-deps 4200a02 Roberto Alsina: wrap deps in config_changed 20:36 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] ralsina pushed 1 new commit to compiler-config-deps: http://git.io/GRaXzg 20:36 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/compiler-config-deps a6c8af0 Roberto Alsina: use identifiers in config_changed 20:38 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] ralsina pushed 1 new commit to compiler-config-deps: http://git.io/q-Djlg 20:38 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/compiler-config-deps 1df4d08 Roberto Alsina: add example to docstring 20:40 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] ralsina opened pull request #1587: Compiler config deps (master...compiler-config-deps) http://git.io/i4qlnw 20:41 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4536 (compiler-config-deps - 4200a02 : Roberto Alsina): The build passed. 20:41 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/commit/4200a02e20a5 20:41 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/47371640 20:44 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4537 (compiler-config-deps - a6c8af0 : Roberto Alsina): The build passed. 20:44 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/4200a02e20a5...a6c8af0c0616 20:44 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/47371688 20:47 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4538 (compiler-config-deps - 1df4d08 : Roberto Alsina): The build passed. 20:47 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/a6c8af0c0616...1df4d0882eb5 20:47 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/47371828 21:03 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska force-pushed fix-appveyor from a96ede3 to 7dad148: http://git.io/6ZOgWg 21:03 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/fix-appveyor 7dad148 Chris Warrick: use full path to nikola... 21:10 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4540 (fix-appveyor - 7dad148 : Chris Warrick): The build was fixed. 21:10 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/a96ede3d2c06...7dad148eab0a 21:10 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/47373680