10:45 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: render_template_to_string won’t really help you. You need nikola.nikola.Nikola.render_template. 11:22 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska pushed 3 new commits to master: http://git.io/IxP14w 11:22 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master 07c8324 Chris Warrick: exit(8) if post title already exists... 11:22 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master e490008 Chris Warrick: Don’t copy existing themes to local site.... 11:22 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master 9842055 Chris Warrick: Support rendering templates to strings in site.... 11:23 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: I just committed a change that will allow users of Nikola v7.3.0/github master to have their own themes in comet_cms. 11:27 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4472 (master - 9842055 : Chris Warrick): The build was broken. 11:27 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/43488088f22c...9842055c42f9 11:27 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/45837497 11:35 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/jFUL8g 11:35 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master 9ae58d0 Chris Warrick: handle bundle failures nicely... 11:41 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/hQbvUg 11:41 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master 085ee25 Chris Warrick: flake8... 11:41 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4473 (master - 9ae58d0 : Chris Warrick): The build is still failing. 11:41 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/9842055c42f9...9ae58d0620a9 11:41 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/45838167 11:45 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/Se9XlQ 11:45 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master e2d0032 Chris Warrick: remove unnecessary self.... 11:45 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4474 (master - 085ee25 : Chris Warrick): The build was fixed. 11:45 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/9ae58d0620a9...085ee25a5170 11:45 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/45838525 11:47 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/MIiE5g 11:47 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master 24b67df Chris Warrick: remove some outdated workarounds... 11:52 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4475 (master - e2d0032 : Chris Warrick): The build was fixed. 11:52 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/085ee25a5170...e2d00320cbea 11:52 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/45838733 11:53 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/Fulo8Q 11:53 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master af909d9 Chris Warrick: remove lxml workaround... 11:54 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4476 (master - 24b67df : Chris Warrick): The build passed. 11:54 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/e2d00320cbea...24b67df2cda0 11:54 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/45838849 12:01 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4477 (master - af909d9 : Chris Warrick): The build passed. 12:01 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/24b67df2cda0...af909d921cfe 12:01 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/45839190 12:07 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/icRl4A 12:07 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master e32cfe9 Chris Warrick: maybe it’s better to stay with setup.py... 12:12 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4478 (master - e32cfe9 : Chris Warrick): The build passed. 12:12 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/af909d921cfe...e32cfe9c5933 12:12 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/45840085 12:14 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: Thanks. 12:39 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/mvvmBQ 12:39 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master 5e66b21 Chris Warrick: force setuptools... 12:44 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: This is embarasing I updated pip and nikola and now I get ImportError: No module named _threading when I call nikola. 12:45 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4479 (master - 5e66b21 : Chris Warrick): The build passed. 12:45 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/e32cfe9c5933...5e66b21435f7 12:45 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/45841555 12:50 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: you may have damaged your system 12:50 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: post a full traceback, along with your python version and other environment information 12:51 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: I will. 12:56 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: Here is the trace http://nopaste.info/9ca1feca62.html 12:57 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: try reinstalling gevent 13:00 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: Nice, now nikola is talking to me as usuall, lets see if it is still alive. 13:16 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: What do I get through pip? Master or only the last release? 13:23 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: latest release 13:24 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: in order to get master, you need to clone the repo somewhere and use pip install -e /path/to/clone 13:24 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: I see. So I remove the package with pip and then do pip install -e ... 13:25 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: yes. sites created with older versions may produce some warnings now, btw — they should be fixed in comet_cms though 13:28 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: Any pointers now how I can access the nikola instance? Once I have it I will do something like return nikola.render_template(self, template_name, None, context) in webapp.py. 13:29 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: I’m working on it right now 13:31 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: would you mind adding me to contributors for your comet_cms repo? 13:32 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: I give you write access just a sec. 13:33 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: Added you to the collabs. 13:33 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: thanks! 13:54 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: done. You must run nikola build before running nikola webapp after updating. 13:59 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: note that using a theme different than bootstrap3 is currently impossible due to some proprietary components used (modal dialogs, which also need a special hack for the navbar) 14:00 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: Yes. The way webapp works means that you need to have a compatible theme. 14:03 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: This is pretty cool. I think I create a nice default theme and give the gui some clean up and we are good to go. 14:04 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: yeah. You can use glyphicons from bootstrap3, and if that is not enough, you can easily add in font awesome via extra_head 14:05 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: Yes font awesome are great. 14:05 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: you will actually need it 14:06 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: Agreed. glyphicon is far too limited imho. 14:06 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: while you’re at it, change the © line in webapp.py and Author in webapp.plugin to say Roberto Alsina, <your name>, Chris Warrick 14:07 * ChrisWarrick goes afk 14:07 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: I will, thanks. 15:01 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: For meta = b.request.forms.decode('utf-8') I now get TypeError: 'unicode' object is not callable 15:01 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: where? 15:01 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: In webapp.py line 144 15:03 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: I still do not get why python is trying so hard to convert everything into an obsolete standard. 15:03 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: what obsolete standard? 15:04 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: ascii, unicode. 15:04 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: which of those is obsolete in your opinion? 15:04 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: ascii. 15:04 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: it’s because python 2 is also obsolete 15:05 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: I cannot reproduce your problem with decoding though 15:05 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: try updating bottle 15:05 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: So this is a python2 problem? 15:05 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: python 3 has a different one, with latin1 15:06 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: I am on 2.7. Are you on 3? 15:06 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: no 15:07 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: So you are on 2.7 and if you save a page you don't get a decode error? 15:07 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: I don’t. 15:07 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: you may have an outdated copy of bottle 15:08 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: create a new virtualenv and install nikola from master and bottle in the latest version from pypi, and use that. 15:09 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: I updated to bottle-0.12.8 15:09 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: Now the problem is that posts get deleted when I hit save. 15:09 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: you are not alone 15:10 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: I probably broke something in the transition from custom templates to using Nikola themes 15:12 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: I did, we got a duplicate ID this way 15:13 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: there, just pushed a fix 15:14 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: Works great. 15:17 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: https://github.com/hhirsch/comet_cms/issues/5 15:17 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: here’s a task list, if you have some time please handle them 15:18 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: Thanks. I will do that. 15:46 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/znplWg 15:46 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master 907d13d Chris Warrick: exception for modals... 15:46 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master 74ebfa0 Chris Warrick: appveyor can’t do py34 properly... 15:52 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4480 (master - 74ebfa0 : Chris Warrick): The build was broken. 15:52 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/5e66b21435f7...74ebfa0fa469 15:52 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/45852059 15:56 -travis-ci:#nikola- Invariant build by Chris Warrick: The build passed. See http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/invariant-builds/builds/45852624. 17:35 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: You are very busy on comet. 17:35 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: yes, I am. 17:35 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: User db ftw. 17:36 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: warning, this is currently quite hacky; we should quit using basic auth soon 18:02 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: What is the default admin password? 18:02 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: admin 18:03 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: And the bak file you commited by accident and I can remove it. 18:03 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: it’s not by accident 18:30 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: there, user management added 18:40 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: Do you allow it for a bot to anounce commits and pull requests for comet in here? 18:40 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: I guess so… 18:40 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: Great. I add that immediately. 18:41 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: wait 18:41 < uwjesq> yes 18:43 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: http://imgur.com/Sg2zvpu settings to follow 18:46 -GitHub[comet]:#nikola- [comet_cms] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/AkU-6g 18:46 -GitHub[comet]:#nikola- comet_cms/master f39210a Chris Warrick: add user management... 18:49 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/4UAoGw 18:49 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master 0ce8d72 Chris Warrick: Revert EarlyTask... 18:49 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master ee2bf4a Chris Warrick: -a, --author in new_post... 18:55 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4481 (master - ee2bf4a : Chris Warrick): The build is still failing. 18:55 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/74ebfa0fa469...ee2bf4a6fb6a 18:55 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/45867185 18:56 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/U1IUXw 18:56 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master d667c05 Chris Warrick: flake8... 18:59 -GitHub[comet]:#nikola- [comet_cms] Kwpolska pushed 5 new commits to master: http://git.io/I86GHA 18:59 -GitHub[comet]:#nikola- comet_cms/master 08cb584 Chris Warrick: fix template... 18:59 -GitHub[comet]:#nikola- comet_cms/master 1970ecf Chris Warrick: attribution... 18:59 -GitHub[comet]:#nikola- comet_cms/master 9b58423 Chris Warrick: use author field (requires Nikola from master)... 19:01 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#4482 (master - d667c05 : Chris Warrick): The build was fixed. 19:01 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/ee2bf4a6fb6a...d667c05b2802 19:01 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: http://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/45867548 20:22 -GitHub[comet]:#nikola- [comet_cms] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/Twr4Zw 20:22 -GitHub[comet]:#nikola- comet_cms/master 2b61082 Chris Warrick: Nicer editor.... 20:23 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: Using bower now, that is cool. 20:23 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: I also apparently switched vendors. 20:35 -GitHub[comet]:#nikola- [comet_cms] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/XGxflQ 20:35 -GitHub[comet]:#nikola- comet_cms/master 8af88da Chris Warrick: hide metadata... 20:38 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: Looking very good. 20:38 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: up next, fixing new page/post and it’ll be more-or-less done 21:04 -GitHub[comet]:#nikola- [comet_cms] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/KMQHLA 21:04 -GitHub[comet]:#nikola- comet_cms/master e9a618d Chris Warrick: simplify addition and deletion... 21:05 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: Create post waits for input in cli. 21:05 -GitHub[comet]:#nikola- [comet_cms] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/z6Qs8A 21:05 -GitHub[comet]:#nikola- comet_cms/master 8fda81f Chris Warrick: author for pages... 21:06 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: upgrade nikola to new master 21:07 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: this probably happens because your copy goes apeshit due to lack of author= field 21:07 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: Now works great. 21:07 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: there. missing only a few features and it will be perfect 21:09 * ChrisWarrick goes afk 21:10 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: Yes, maybe a better way to select images and links. But very useful right now. 21:57 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: this can be fixed easily 21:58 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: I have a list of ideas to implement tomorrow, it's quite long 21:58 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: The result is amazing already. 21:59 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: one thing I would like to get done is making this more official by moving it to the getnikola organization 22:02 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: you okay with that? (you'd retain commit rights, of course) 22:05 < uwjesq> ChrisWarrick: No problem. I like that. 22:05 <+ChrisWarrick> uwjesq: perfect. We'll do it tomorrow. 22:05 * ChrisWarrick goes AFK