08:35:06 <Zhenech> felixfontein, bleh, that broke compiling >.< because everyone expects the compiler to be called "wordpress" (but it's wordpress_compiler now) 08:46:29 <KwBot> [plugins] evgeni opened pull request #455 (evgeni:revert-454-patch-1): Revert "Correct the name of wordpress_compiler plugin in metadata" https://github.com/getnikola/plugins/pull/455 08:46:29 <KwBot> [plugins] evgeni opened pull request #455 (evgeni:revert-454-patch-1): Revert "Correct the name of wordpress_compiler plugin in metadata" https://github.com/getnikola/plugins/pull/455 13:54:51 <KwBot> [plugins] Kwpolska closed pull request #455 (evgeni:revert-454-patch-1): Revert "Correct the name of wordpress_compiler plugin in metadata" https://github.com/getnikola/plugins/pull/455 13:54:51 <KwBot> [plugins] Kwpolska closed pull request #455 (evgeni:revert-454-patch-1): Revert "Correct the name of wordpress_compiler plugin in metadata" https://github.com/getnikola/plugins/pull/455 19:50:56 <felixfontein> I guess then we should either rename the plugin from wordpress_compiler to wordpress, or change the code that expects it to be called 'wordpress' so that it can also live with 'wordpress_compiler', and only then fix the name