Logs for #nikola for 2024-07-01

11:52:29 <neildarlow> Hi. Nikola newbie here. Do archived posts get removed from the front page? I want to create a site listing events but I want e.g. previous months posts to be removed from the front page.
17:50:32 <ChrisWarrick> neildarlow: `status: private` will hide a post from the front page, but also from all other lists of posts (archives, tags, etc)
20:24:19 <KwBot> [plugins] jaimeMF opened pull request #442 (jaimeMF:fix_tagged_pages): tagged_pages: Don't bring in scope another Plugin https://github.com/getnikola/plugins/pull/442
20:37:54 <neildarlow> ChrisWarrick: OK, thank you. So Nikola leaves posts visible although archived? I'll have a bit of manual work to hide them. Not a showstopper.
20:38:08 <ChrisWarrick> neildarlow: how do you define “archived”?
20:39:06 <neildarlow> ChrisWarrick: I was thinking, once a post is listed in the archive.html it might be not shown on the Blog front page.
20:39:15 <ChrisWarrick> neildarlow: all posts are listed on archive.html
20:40:40 <neildarlow> ChrisWarrick: OK, so it's a navigation mechanism not an "Archive" (hidden from view) feature.
20:40:46 <ChrisWarrick> yes
20:41:08 <neildarlow> It could just as easily be "All Posts"
21:10:48 <KwBot> [plugins] Kwpolska closed pull request #442 (jaimeMF:fix_tagged_pages): tagged_pages: Don't bring in scope another Plugin https://github.com/getnikola/plugins/pull/442