01:54:43 <nicolas17> I'm writing a blog post with code snippets, I'd like to put the code in a separate source file and include it in the post (rather than having the code directly in the file with the post) so I can more easily test if the code works 01:56:04 <nicolas17> is this possible in markdown? I see there is an include directive for reST... 02:02:46 <nicolas17> ok I think there is a bug in the documentation... 02:03:46 <nicolas17> https://nikola.readthedocs.io/en/latest/manual/#built-in-shortcodes this has code snippets like {{% raw %}}{{% emoji crying_face %}}{{% /raw %}} but I'm *not* supposed to include {{%raw%}} in my code 02:22:50 <nicolas17> I tried {{% listing %}} but it puts <p><a href="../ERROR">code/apns.c</a> <a href="../ERROR">(Source)</a></p> before the code block 11:27:52 <KwBot> [plugins] spookylukey opened pull request #399 (spookylukey:patch-1): Fixed ditaa example diagram URL https://github.com/getnikola/plugins/pull/399 11:27:52 <KwBot> [plugins] spookylukey opened pull request #399 (spookylukey:patch-1): Fixed ditaa example diagram URL https://github.com/getnikola/plugins/pull/399 11:27:52 <KwBot> [plugins] spookylukey opened pull request #399 (spookylukey:patch-1): Fixed ditaa example diagram URL https://github.com/getnikola/plugins/pull/399 16:35:17 <vinay> Hello everyone 16:36:13 <vinay> ERROR :TASK 'sitemap:output/output/sitemap.xml' 16:36:24 <vinay> Can anyone please help me with this error 17:16:22 <ChrisWarrick> vinay: more details would be needed, please paste the full error report to bpaste.net and paste the link here 17:16:53 <ChrisWarrick> !tell nicolas17 the ERROR in output looks like a bug, please report it on github 17:16:53 <KwBot> ChrisWarrick: acknowledged. 17:26:48 <vinay> ChrisWarrick: cleared the error 17:26:53 <vinay> ChrisWarrick: thanks 17:26:58 <ChrisWarrick> great! 18:53:27 <KwBot> nicolas17: 17:16:53 <ChrisWarrick> the ERROR in output looks like a bug, please report it on github 22:03:52 <nicolas17> I didn't want to get a link before the code at all 22:04:14 <nicolas17> I ended up converting my post to reST and using the ".. include::" directive