20:09:20 <groj> hi! if i have a file (e.g. /files/download.zip), how can i add a link in my post to that file using rest syntax? 20:09:56 <groj> if i use `Download </files/download.zip>`_ it creates an external link. 20:10:29 <groj> thank you for your help! 20:12:08 <ChrisWarrick> groj: External link? This syntax should work, as long as your site URL is set correctly 20:13:58 <groj> +ChrisWarrick: it works. in my case, the file is a jpg. if you click on the generated link, it doesn't open the jpg. only, when i open the context menu and select "open in new tab". 20:14:28 <ChrisWarrick> groj: What happens instead? Images get special handling from Nikola and they default to being displayed in a lightbox. 20:14:51 <groj> nothing happens if i click on the link 20:15:30 <groj> but the path is correct. as described above, i can open the link via context menu in a separate browser tab 20:16:38 <groj> you can try yourself, if you wish: http://www.jan-grosser.de/posts/neowise/ it is the link in the last sentence of the atricle 20:18:13 <ChrisWarrick> seems to be an issue with baguettebox 20:18:46 <ChrisWarrick> can you create an issue on github? 20:20:53 <groj> +ChrisWarrick of couse, i can. 20:22:44 <groj> would you recommend to use the `Download </files/download.zip>`_ syntax for links to internal files? for me, it was just a work-around because i could not find an alternative in the nikola documentation 20:28:56 <ChrisWarrick> this is the correct syntax 20:29:18 <ChrisWarrick> there seems to be an issue with the lightbox being too eager to pick up links to images 20:32:06 <groj> thanks for clarification. will create an issue on github for this, soon.