Logs for #nikola for 2020-09-26

06:50:55 <phill> +ChrisWarrick yeah, you're right .....
06:53:46 <phill> im new to nikola, and static site generators in general. what i want to do is have a single page site, on that single page, there will be a wecome section, a featured post section, then a podcast feed, a latest post section, and finally about. and contact section.
06:55:48 <phill> can I implement that as a template and have the welcome, about and contact as their individual rst files in pages, and the featured latest and podcasts pull in fron posts, depending upon the tags?
06:57:19 <phill> I'm designing a site for my dad, and will be using netlify cms, so once the site is done, i want my dad to be able to manage it himself.
06:58:16 <[Tritium]> Nikola might not be the best fit for a single page site; while you can certainly contort it into doing that, it really doesn't want to do it.  (unless you are defining single page site differently than i've heard it generally defined)
06:59:35 <phill> [Tritium]: the single page would be the landing page with all the key site information, with additional pages for blog posts
06:59:59 <phill> so I guess its a little bit of a hybrid single page site.
07:00:15 <[Tritium]> ah, that you want a landing page, then a normal static site behind it
07:01:58 <phill> [Tritium]: yes, someting like this: https://openlp.org/ (also done with Nikola, but I want to get each section from a page/story rst file, and include the mentioned featured posts and latest posts
07:07:21 <[Tritium]> putting dynamic content in your landing page might require a custom task (it might not, though - its not something I've actually looked into.  I've only made sites with static landing pages.... or default)
07:08:07 <phill> [Tritium]: custom task? is there any documentation on that?
07:09:39 <[Tritium]> it would be in the plugin documentation.  ... I would wait for ChrisWarrick to see this backlog before you put in the effort though, because I'm not sure
07:09:54 <phill> [Tritium]: ok thanks
07:10:56 <phill> I chose Nikola because <3 Python
07:11:18 <[Tritium]> I chose it because of restructured text.
07:11:40 <[Tritium]> (and i tried making a static site in sphinx and it kinda sucked)
08:31:30 <ChrisWarrick> phill: this could be doable with the post-list reST directive/shortcode and custom templates for each instance, or a custom plugin to render the page with the desired posts in context
08:46:10 <phill> ChrisWarrick: thanks, that seems to make sense. i want the welcome and about sections on the landing page, but want to store them as seperate files in the pages folder, is it possible to do that?
08:46:55 <ChrisWarrick> phill: reST has file includes
08:48:33 <phill> ChrisWarrick: awesome thanks, im not too hot on rst, mainly limited to editing documentation on an oss project
08:50:33 <phill> i think that gives me someting to look in too. Hacktober fest is comming up, i may make nikola a focus if there is any thing i can contribute :-)
08:55:37 <ChrisWarrick> phill: there are some issues on github that could use help, or you can propose something enw and work on that
09:19:10 <phill> ChrisWarrick:  so someting like this https://pastebin.com/cvYYf6Mr in pages/index.rst
09:19:12 <phill> ?
09:42:50 <ChrisWarrick> phill: possibly, you will probably need custom templates for your post-lists (if you want to display post content, for example), and IIRC includes are site-relative (so pages/welcome.rst)
09:49:26 <phill> ChrisWarrick: sure. and yeah, includes are site relative
09:49:44 <phill> thanks
12:02:41 <KwBot> a-shepelev: 22:46:10 <ChrisWarrick> markdown metadata works for me after enabling the extension (with the full name), make sure your metadata appears at the top of the file (no blank lines before) and ends with a newline
12:04:25 <a-shepelev> Oh, hello Chris, and thank you. So do you enable that extenation as 'markdown.extensions.meta' instead of just 'meta'?
12:08:27 <a-shepelev> As I think I said earlier, adding 'meta' to the list of Markdown extensions has an effect, but only for a specific metadata format: starting and ending with ---
12:10:40 <a-shepelev> But the simple default format without a leading separator and ending in a blank like, described here:
12:10:40 <a-shepelev> https://python-markdown.github.io/extensions/meta_data/
12:10:40 <a-shepelev> does not work.
13:00:18 <a-shepelev> ChrisWarrick: It makes no difference whether I include the extension as 'meta' or as 'markdown.extensions.meta'. In either case only the YAML-style syntax works:
13:01:31 <a-shepelev> YAML: https://freeshell.de/~antonius/pumpov/mdtest_yaml.html
13:01:31 <a-shepelev> SRC:  https://pastebin.com/raw/GhxamJA3
13:01:49 <a-shepelev> With the standard style I get this:
13:02:33 <a-shepelev> DEF: https://freeshell.de/~antonius/pumpov/mdtest_def.html
13:02:33 <a-shepelev> SRC: https://pastebin.com/raw/Eybs1AHJ
13:10:45 <a-shepelev> I use Nikola v8.1.1 .
14:18:03 <ChrisWarrick> a-shepelev: cannot reproduce with Nikola from git (which shouldn’t be too different) and Markdown==3.2.2. I created a blank site, added 'markdown.extensions.meta' to MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS, copied the contents of https://pastebin.com/raw/GhxamJA3 into pages/foo.md, and I can see "Test title" being picked up in the output as the page’s title.
14:21:36 <a-shepelev> Hmmm. OK, thanks.
14:22:17 <a-shepelev> I too use Nikola from Git, the image with which all the official samples are built.
14:23:31 <a-shepelev> What is the Markdown version? Does it belong to some Markdown library that Nikola uses? (probably a Python library).
14:23:44 <ChrisWarrick> a-shepelev: yes, pip freeze | grep Markdown
14:24:13 <a-shepelev> It is 3.2.2. on my test machine.
14:24:39 <a-shepelev> Chris, please try it with https://pastebin.com/raw/Eybs1AHJ .
14:24:52 <a-shepelev> The only you tried above works for me, too.
14:25:29 <a-shepelev> (because it is the YAML syntax). It is the standard syntax, referenced above, that does not work.
14:25:30 <ChrisWarrick> a-shepelev: I actually tested with this one, I copied the wrong link
14:25:59 <a-shepelev> Oh.
14:26:09 <a-shepelev> Then I am utterly lost.
14:28:47 <a-shepelev> But I can live with YAML titles until I get around to fixing them...
14:30:43 <a-shepelev> ChrisWarrick: Can you help me in tracking down another problem: once I register my Gitlab Pages website (created with Nikola) with a custom domain, I start seeing nasty adverticement on its pages, which disappears as soon as I comment this line in the template: ${base.late_load_js()} .
14:31:15 <ChrisWarrick> a-shepelev: what advertisement? can you link to the site with the advertisement visible?
14:31:41 <a-shepelev> The all.js that is there included is quite harmless!
14:31:44 <a-shepelev> Yes: http://pumpov.com/advtest.html
14:32:08 <a-shepelev> It looks to me as though the domain provider is injecting ads into my page...
14:32:17 <ChrisWarrick> a-shepelev: I can’t see anything
14:33:11 <a-shepelev> My template (Kiss) uses bundles, and the only funciton in all.js is for fancy dates.
14:33:51 <a-shepelev> And I see a banner pointing to (don't follow!) https://ssp-rtb.sape.ru/notmich3dclck/?showp=Cc3MzMzMzBZAEexRuB6FKzJAGKyivfsFIBEo1vTATTEGvc-iiy7yPzokYWQzMzc2OTEtZGFkYy00ZTQ4LTkwYzgtMTUzMDc2ZGIxMjcwQiAxNTgwMTc4NDE2OTA1NmMzNzQ0ZWJhZmM5NzlhZTEwY0iusyJSCzhjd1Nnd01kZTBOWgkxNjI1NDQyMTRiBjU2MzYzMGgO&r=https%3A%2F%2Ff4-ru.adhigh.net%2Fp%2Fclick%2Ff208040f278578a4sape04fom2000000000001il4jbb2d0hh7g9dmic2gq09h0olr4m192v4cdjbu9qqo366tms9bq3ecn8p6ut5k4kqj28mp6s
14:33:51 <a-shepelev> 3iv64249eu7g0vmc27t0k93i2lng43kqbqldf3a8m1pt2gu8jrp63avlstj7ru7nqpsustuudkuqjl3pngcruucgvoeae3ofjijjvhh4sn5t7u7bh4ltvfg6j9kcq3snk43kqo58bjjelf9ttitrtlbc3sfm0avhfp7b86lpi275mcke56c3s7beli9bhp854dqk8cihcfs2s0adb6d9l0ja8ad5kqgi490h9b05hh9638pikum56r48dfdedk88b529i6o51f6tfae4of7kdsuu772r13fdhkl39f4peio8jlr9m3bnksjmludubupj2gl9dqthfu2d3u8733756ai1da21p0vaah7523umqckeojmiedu1cckb91dagrre5gbg3mhvj1ijkcj9e44m667dm05vglos9brvrg72335ovmmjlm8218e3dhi808ta7ipn
14:33:51 <a-shepelev> oq3p61a294d9bbktlh1ff69vc5jfnnfo0emma92rvshfljp2brveb9lanv4g2ti8mie7qkbbf2hdvbd6coesm25d72fakcm3kgssvsesjjj6nhcs97e653na59goclt318hp7k98naj2il732cf6i6poplnmnefetqefbrmop8f82sn0c04lmk07ib5pmcell1q3p3nde3j5g7677s0emusb2tfnvf9gl1u8e89id850k56fume8sbrup8nqdokbt7ak1sncno00961198lapa5js80e7if4tnsdhu0157l20gj2f86d85l46g74mnt6khvg0hq7r10bq0g000%2F%3Fscr%3D1600x1200x24%26uit%3D1601130800702%26ifr%3D3%26tz%3D-180%26url%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fpumpov.com%252Fadv
14:33:56 <a-shepelev> test.html%26rf%3D%26pl%3D-9992049847
14:33:57 <a-shepelev> Ooops. Sorry.
14:34:12 <ChrisWarrick> a-shepelev: I can’t see any ads on this page with 3 different browsers, and I don’t think there should be anything causing them, can you provide a screenshot of your page? Then open your browser’s inspector, go to the network tab, and refresh with ctrl-shift-r, and take a screenshot of that
14:36:39 <a-shepelev> Sure: https://freeshell.de/~antonius/img_host/advtest.png
14:37:06 <a-shepelev> Try clearing the cache and reloading the page several times.
14:38:00 <a-shepelev> I will not try to inspect that element.
14:38:02 <ChrisWarrick> a-shepelev: re the markdown meta issue: can you try building this site? https://kw-public-files.s3.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com/nikola-markdown-meta.zip
14:39:59 <a-shepelev> Here is the trash from the Inspector: https://pastebin.com/raw/XF8JwVa2 . (Should you prefer a screenshot?)
14:40:20 <a-shepelev> Re: Markdown: yes.
14:41:00 <ChrisWarrick> a-shepelev: https://dev-qa.com/470790/unwanted-ads-on-wordpress-site
14:42:26 <ChrisWarrick> a-shepelev: if you’re using gitlab pages, you can (should) enable TLS to avoid meddling from your ISP, see https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/pages/custom_domains_ssl_tls_certification/#adding-an-ssltls-certificate-to-pages and https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/pages/custom_domains_ssl_tls_certification/lets_encrypt_integration.html
14:44:06 <a-shepelev> Chris, in what language do you have that FAQ page? I have it in mixed English and Russian :-(
14:44:35 <a-shepelev> I deliberately went the easy way and decided not to use HTTPS.
14:44:48 <a-shepelev> Thank you for the information.
14:45:16 <ChrisWarrick> a-shepelev: it is in English and Russian, from the English parts I understand that Rostelecom is injecting ads into websites
14:46:06 <a-shepelev> The gits!
14:46:29 <ChrisWarrick> what about the markdown site? does that build?
14:47:07 <a-shepelev> I only copied it to the development machine. Please, wait a little.
14:47:21 <ChrisWarrick> okay, sure
14:51:49 <a-shepelev> The site is here: https://freeshell.de/~antonius/nmm/ .
14:53:40 <ChrisWarrick> a-shepelev: and as you can see, https://freeshell.de/~antonius/nmm/pages/foo/ was interpreted correctly
14:54:40 <a-shepelev> Indeed. Thanks. I will not try to find the difference from my .md
14:55:04 <ChrisWarrick> make sure your config is correct
14:55:35 <a-shepelev> You mean the Markdown 'meta' extension is enabled and the Markdown compiler is active?
14:56:58 <ChrisWarrick> yes, compare your config to the sample config
14:57:02 <ChrisWarrick> (from that page)
14:57:53 <a-shepelev> Your foo.md renders well in my website, too.
15:07:16 <ChrisWarrick> a-shepelev: what are you using to write the posts that don’t work?
15:14:06 <a-shepelev> I goofed. There must have been a typo in my config. It works now.
15:14:46 <a-shepelev> Should not Nikola report missing (mistyped) extensions?
15:15:11 <a-shepelev> (Your foo.md did not initially work for me, either).
15:15:42 <ChrisWarrick> mistyped extensions where?
15:16:52 <a-shepelev> What if I typed 'mera' instead of 'meta' in conf.py ?
15:18:37 <a-shepelev> I mean mistyped extension names in conf.py.
15:23:22 <a-shepelev> Is it because Markdown extensions are passed in a way that prevent reporting an error if an extension does not exist?
15:26:31 <a-shepelev> Thank you very much for help, Chris!
15:29:24 <ChrisWarrick> a-shepelev: hm, I typed a nonsense extension name and got ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'markdown.extensions.qwerty'
15:31:43 <a-shepelev> I am sorry. There is no such error with the 'meta' extension, which means it exists but is different from 'markdown.extensions.meta'.
15:36:27 <KwBot> [nikola] Kwpolska opened pull request #3461 (getnikola:utf-8-sig): Read files as utf-8-sig to allow BOM in input files https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/pull/3461
15:44:15 <travis-ci> getnikola/nikola#11102 (utf-8-sig - 4d223d2 : Chris Warrick): The build has errored.
15:44:15 <travis-ci> Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/commit/4d223d2e3ed2
15:44:15 <travis-ci> Build details: https://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/730522899
15:55:30 <a-shepelev> Thanks again, and good bye!
16:29:45 <travis-ci> getnikola/nikola#11104 (utf-8-sig - 2aa82da : Chris Warrick): The build failed.
16:29:45 <travis-ci> Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/4d223d2e3ed2...2aa82da82f06
16:29:45 <travis-ci> Build details: https://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/730528043
16:48:21 <travis-ci> getnikola/nikola#11106 (utf-8-sig - 3bac773 : Chris Warrick): The build has errored.
16:48:21 <travis-ci> Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/2aa82da82f06...3bac77327075
16:48:21 <travis-ci> Build details: https://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/730533160
17:01:35 <travis-ci> getnikola/nikola#11108 (utf-8-sig - 3f06e55 : Chris Warrick): The build has errored.
17:01:35 <travis-ci> Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/3bac77327075...3f06e55447ea
17:01:35 <travis-ci> Build details: https://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/730535503
18:13:09 <KwBot> [nikola] Kwpolska closed pull request #3461 (getnikola:utf-8-sig): Read files as utf-8-sig to allow BOM in input files https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/pull/3461
18:34:44 <travis-ci> getnikola/nikola#11110 (master - 0edbf5c : Chris Warrick): The build passed.
18:34:44 <travis-ci> Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/5184bd3601de...0edbf5cdbdb2
18:34:44 <travis-ci> Build details: https://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/730549979
22:47:29 <a-shepelev> Hello, all. I am trying to use a custom CSS (files/assets/css/cusom.css) with the KISS theme, which uses the `bundles' plugin.
22:48:40 <a-shepelev> The Handbook says that custom.css "will be loaded from the <head> blocks of your site pages", but I don't see a reference to it in the generated HTMLs, nor does the bundled all.css include it.
22:49:12 <a-shepelev> Does it mean that the KISS Nikola theme does not support custom CSSes, or am I doing anyting wrong?
22:50:35 <a-shepelev> How does the USE_BUNDLES parameter interact with the custom.css mechanism?
22:55:39 <a-shepelev> ChrisWarrick: Let me know if it is impolite to ping you so, but since you have helped me before I thought you wouldn't mind...
22:55:56 <ChrisWarrick> a-shepelev: feel free to ping me here, I do not guarantee a prompt answer though
22:56:23 <ChrisWarrick> a-shepelev: the built-in bootstrap themes have custom.css in their bundles, but base doesn’t, I believe it is always included in <head> in that theme
22:57:00 <ChrisWarrick> a-shepelev: the kiss theme doesn’t seem to support custom.css at all
22:57:07 <a-shepelev> Oh...
22:57:17 <ChrisWarrick> this should be easily fixable, want to make a PR?
22:58:02 <a-shepelev> ChrisWarrick: Not now: it is the first day I am learning HTML and CSS, let alone Python and paco... I am somewhat overwhelmed.
22:58:25 <ChrisWarrick> a-shepelev: okay, create an issue on github then
22:58:37 <a-shepelev> Thank you very much, I will.
23:03:24 <a-shepelev> ChrisWarrick: do the standard themes have decidated projects?
23:04:27 <a-shepelev> OK, I found the nikola-themes project.
23:06:25 <KwBot> [nikola-themes] ant-222 opened issue #194: Support custom.css in the KISS theme https://github.com/getnikola/nikola-themes/issues/194
23:59:20 <a-shepelev> Thanks again, and good bye.