01:31:02 <KwBot> CantExitVIM: 08:13:24 <ChrisWarrick> You need to type an exact UTC offset, like UTC-5. If you set your site’s TIMEZONE to the correct one (eg. America/New_York), Nikola’s auto-generated metadata will contain the offset 01:32:19 <CantExitVIM> Hello all. I like the bootstrap4 theme but want to play around with the color scheme (at least change the header). THEME_COLOR does not work (I tried setting it to different hex values) and I can't find information on how the " nikola bootwatch_theme" works. 01:57:38 <CantExitVIM> Ahh... found a blog post that explains it a bit better (https://randlow.github.io/posts/python/create-nikola-coding-blog/). I can use a subtheme from bootswatch and then set Theme = "custom" 01:58:30 <CantExitVIM> Couple questions: Which .css is important (There is a bootstrap.css and bootstrap.min.css within the custom folder) 02:03:15 <CantExitVIM> When I download one of these themes (Tried Yeti and flaty so far) the theme is the "success" color within the .css root dictionary. But if I change that color to something else... the server rebuilds but nothing changes. So I am guessing the color scheme isn't dictated by root within these .css files 09:12:52 <KwBot> [nikola] Kwpolska closed issue #3319: Named block 'extra_header' not allowed inside of def 'html_header' https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/3319 13:32:12 <ChrisWarrick> !tell CantExitVIM The :root values are not used by the themes. If you want to customize Bootstrap, you will need a Sass compiler and autoprefixer. Bootswatch customized .scss files are on GitHub if you want to start from these. 13:32:12 <KwBot> ChrisWarrick: acknowledged. 13:32:59 <ChrisWarrick> !tell CantExitVIM .min.css is usually used. To change something, modify bootstrap.css and use a minifier to produce bootstrap.min.css. 13:32:59 <KwBot> ChrisWarrick: acknowledged.