09:35:00 <ChrisWarrick> gour: systemd --user does not work, you’ll need to come up with something else (and bug your sysadmin to enable linger anyway) 09:43:05 <gour> ChrisWarrick: thanks. i got info from the host owner, that now 'systemd --use' should work (debian 10) 09:47:06 <ChrisWarrick> gour: it didn’t autostart with the OS in my experience 10:46:02 <gour> ChrisWarrick: thanks for letting me know, i'll play with it later...for now it's important that i've (finally) settled to use rst (instead of asciidoc), org-mode is abandoned since i'm more happy with (neo)vim and will deploy Nikola for all my sites, probably using isso for comments instead of hashover 16:46:01 <KwBot> [nikola] MarcoHassan opened issue #3299: Mathjax not rendering https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/3299 17:00:27 <KwBot> [nikola] Kwpolska closed issue #3299: Mathjax not rendering https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/3299 23:57:07 -travis-ci:#nikola- [PLUGINS] getnikola/plugins#1531 (master - 7ef3f60 : Roberto Alsina): The build passed. 23:57:07 -travis-ci:#nikola- [PLUGINS] Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/plugins/compare/8b2be350191d...7ef3f609a145 23:57:07 -travis-ci:#nikola- [PLUGINS] Build details: https://travis-ci.org/getnikola/plugins/builds/588237941