09:42:55 <OneSploit> Hello! 09:43:49 <OneSploit> Urgent questions, I enabled orgmode plugin and added POSTS and PAGES extension org the same way it is added for other formats. But new_post reports this !orgmode orgmode ., o, r, g 09:43:54 <OneSploit> why there are commas :) 09:44:18 <OneSploit> this is the line added ("posts/*.org", "posts", "post.tmpl"), 09:45:23 <OneSploit> likes like some python bug, where someone passes string but list is expected? 09:45:37 <OneSploit> anyhow, did that plugin work for anyone? 09:48:01 <ChrisWarrick> OneSploit: it expects a tuple, and one-item tuples have a trailing commma 09:48:04 <ChrisWarrick> ('.org',) 09:50:26 <OneSploit> I feel blind http://paste.debian.net/1058125/ 09:51:10 <OneSploit> ah I get it, I shouldn't be adding it the way it's done for other formats, but the way example config suggested! 09:52:14 <OneSploit> in COMPILERS :) 09:52:18 <OneSploit> big thanks! 09:57:55 <OneSploit> ChrisWarrick: can I debug somehow to see why website is not rendering org files after nikola auto? 09:59:59 <OneSploit> ah nevermind:) 16:57:10 -NikolaService|GH:#nikola- [nikola-users] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/fhts6 16:57:10 -NikolaService|GH:#nikola- nikola-users/master 1d222ed Chris Warrick: 2019! :fireworks:... 16:58:08 -NikolaService|GH:#nikola- [nikola-site] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/fhtsi 16:58:08 -NikolaService|GH:#nikola- nikola-site/master 2bbecf8 Chris Warrick: 2019! :fireworks:... 17:10:07 -NikolaService|GH:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/fhtGu 17:10:07 -NikolaService|GH:#nikola- nikola/master 38a6930 Chris Warrick: 2019! :fireworks:... 17:12:58 -NikolaService|GH:#nikola- [plugins] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/fhtG1 17:12:58 -NikolaService|GH:#nikola- plugins/master 75b0fb5 Chris Warrick: 2019! :fireworks:... 17:17:35 -NikolaService|GH:#nikola- [nikola-themes] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/fhtGF 17:17:35 -NikolaService|GH:#nikola- nikola-themes/master 4d60fb5 Chris Warrick: 2019! :fireworks:... 17:19:37 -travis-ci:#nikola- [PLUGINS] getnikola/plugins#1498 (master - 75b0fb5 : Chris Warrick): The build has errored. 17:19:37 -travis-ci:#nikola- [PLUGINS] Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/plugins/compare/db85fbd16d08...75b0fb591de7 17:19:37 -travis-ci:#nikola- [PLUGINS] Build details: https://travis-ci.org/getnikola/plugins/builds/473896977 17:27:01 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#10441 (master - 38a6930 : Chris Warrick): The build passed. 17:27:01 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/da22b8ba62c7...38a69304d725 17:27:01 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: https://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/473896243 18:46:00 <KwBot> [nikola] Kwpolska unassigned issue #3191: Strange rendering of markdown pages https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/3191 18:46:00 <KwBot> [nikola] Kwpolska assigned issue #3191 to Kwpolska: Strange rendering of markdown pages https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/3191 18:52:18 -NikolaService|GH:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska created fix-3191 (+1 new commit): https://git.io/fhtCU 18:52:18 -NikolaService|GH:#nikola- nikola/fix-3191 623b4e7 Chris Warrick: Fix #3191 -- set one-file basing on default language... 18:55:31 -NikolaService|GH:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska opened pull request #3195: Fix #3191 -- set one-file basing on default language (master...fix-3191) https://git.io/fhtCq 19:09:21 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#10442 (fix-3191 - 623b4e7 : Chris Warrick): The build passed. 19:09:21 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/commit/623b4e78fb20 19:09:21 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: https://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/473918309