19:59:01 <sigmapie8> Hi 20:00:02 <ChrisWarrick> hello 20:00:23 <sigmapie8> I got started with nikola today. Can anyone tell me how can I tweak the address of the page? Like if I want to add a page but don't want the address bar to show as mtsite.com/pages/new-page 20:00:32 <sigmapie8> ChrisWarrick, hey 20:01:15 <ChrisWarrick> what do you want to show it as? just mysite.com/new-page? then edit PAGES in conf.py and set the second parameter to an empty string 20:01:46 <sigmapie8> ChrisWarrick, yes exactly that. Thanks :) I'll try that. 20:02:01 <sigmapie8> BTW I found Nikola really beginner friendly 20:02:30 <sigmapie8> sigmapie8, I wish more projects were like that 20:10:49 <ralsina> sigmapie8: really happy to hear that :-) 20:20:34 <sigmapie8> whois ralsina 20:20:44 <sigmapie8> oops :) 20:20:48 <ralsina> missing a / there I think :-) 20:20:51 <sigmapie8> yeah 20:21:34 <ralsina> https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/graphs/contributors :-) 20:22:27 <sigmapie8> ralsina, :) 20:22:39 <ralsina> BTW, ChrisWarrick how did you add 660 KLOC ???? That's a LOT :-D 20:23:40 <ChrisWarrick> ralsina: bower_components + npm_assets 20:23:48 <ralsina> makes sense