02:48:23 <KwBot> [nikola-themes] hilman-dayo opened issue #145: [jidn] Problem with getting syntax highlighting with nikola-orgmode plugin https://github.com/getnikola/nikola-themes/issues/145 14:10:13 <BxCx> ¡Hola! Buenos días. 15:51:24 <KwBot> [nikola-themes] Kwpolska closed issue #145: [jidn] Problem with getting syntax highlighting with nikola-orgmode plugin https://github.com/getnikola/nikola-themes/issues/145 15:51:36 -GitHub[themes]:#nikola- [nikola-themes] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vxMac 15:51:36 -GitHub[themes]:#nikola- nikola-themes/master bb176d1 Chris Warrick: Fix #145 -- include custom.css in jidn bundles... 16:23:16 <ralsina> ChrisWarrick: I am tempted to kill the CSS/JS bundles 16:23:24 <ChrisWarrick> why? 16:23:25 <ralsina> we are in a http 2.0 world now 16:23:28 <ChrisWarrick> no we aren’t 16:23:43 <ralsina> Who doesn't support 2.0? 16:23:47 <ChrisWarrick> what web server does? 16:24:45 <ChrisWarrick> also, reading more files requires more server time 16:25:05 <ralsina> nginx does 16:26:04 <ChrisWarrick> and it requires special configuration 16:26:23 <ChrisWarrick> there are tons more features worth killing first 16:30:12 <BxCx> ralsina: What would be the consequences? 16:30:33 <ralsina> ChrisWarrick: just came to mind because it causes bugs 16:30:54 <ChrisWarrick> ralsina: that was just one small oversight in a third-party theme 16:31:02 <ralsina> ChrisWarrick: yeah 16:31:14 <ralsina> ChrisWarrick: I never bother with them when I do themes anyway :-) 16:31:30 <ralsina> BxCx: well, bundles are a tiny optimization 16:32:00 <ralsina> BxCx: when they are enabled, you download only a single CSS and JS file instead of many. With HTTP2 you get them all at the same time in parallel so it doesn't matter as much 16:41:33 <BxCx> ralsina: Roger. 16:43:52 <BxCx> By the way, how do I install the Cerulean theme? The one that is installed on the nikola site 16:51:35 <ralsina> Cerulean is sort of a subtheme 16:51:40 <ralsina> Let me find it in the docs 16:52:16 <ralsina> BxCx: look for bootswatch in the manual 16:52:23 <ralsina> https://getnikola.com/handbook.html#getting-extra-themes 16:53:14 <BxCx> El inglés (el idioma) me apendeja... Jajajajaja 16:53:21 <ralsina> Jajaja 16:53:23 <ralsina> Basicamente 16:53:40 <ralsina> $ nikola bootswatch_theme -n custom_theme -s cerulean -p bootstrap 16:55:03 <BxCx> Este año tomaré un curso de inglés. Me hace mucha falta. :D 16:56:34 <BxCx> ralsina: $ nikola bootswatch_theme -n custom_theme -s cerulean -p bootstrap <-- maybe bootstrap3 ? 17:19:48 <ralsina> BxCx: algo asi 17:19:55 <ralsina> o bootstrap4? 17:19:58 <ralsina> Depende 17:43:56 <BxCx> ok. :D 19:07:05 <KwBot> [nikola] napjon opened issue #3008: [BUG] Date in metadata can't be parsed using HTML post https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/3008 21:11:36 <jmcp> hi. I've just started using Nikola and I'm trying to migrate my existing site across from hugo. All my posts are in markdown (and I'm tidying that up so Nikola doesn't choke). I'm having a problem getting image galleries to work - when I use the link://gallery/nameofgallery format inside my markdown post, I just see that emitted verbatim in the generated file. 21:11:38 <jmcp> is that expected? 21:12:05 <jmcp> real question is, how do I correctly specify a link to an image gallery in markdown? 21:12:07 <jmcp> thanks in advance 21:24:08 <ChrisWarrick> jmcp: make sure you’re inserting actual links, so eg. [name of gallery](link://gallery/nameofgallery) 21:24:27 <jmcp> ah 21:24:29 * jmcp tries 21:25:19 <jmcp> progress - that gives me a link to the gallery now. How do I get the gallery embedded in my post? 21:25:50 <ChrisWarrick> that’s going to be substantially harder 21:26:01 <jmcp> :( 21:26:18 <ChrisWarrick> gallery_directive is not (yet) available for markdown, open an issue? 21:26:27 <jmcp> willdo 21:26:35 <jmcp> is it possible with rst, though? 21:32:12 <ChrisWarrick> yes 21:32:19 <jmcp> excellent :) 21:32:23 <ChrisWarrick> (with a plugin, and it doesn’t always work well) 21:32:26 <jmcp> oh 21:32:32 <jmcp> well... I'll see how far I get :) 21:33:17 <jmcp> which plugin is required? 21:46:14 <ChrisWarrick> jmcp: gallery_directive 22:17:27 <jmcp> thanks 22:29:50 <jmcp> hmmph. dies with 22:29:51 <jmcp> File "/space/builds/jmcp/web/with-nikola/plugins/gallery_directive/gallery_directive.py", line 78, in run 22:29:51 <jmcp> text = [e.text for e in dom.xpath('//script') if e.text and 'jsonContent = ' in e.text][0] 22:29:51 <jmcp> IndexError: list index out of range 23:37:15 <jmcp> aha 23:37:19 <jmcp> my theme got in the way 23:37:26 <jmcp> well, srcco.de (hacked upon) 23:37:32 <jmcp> muchmuch happier