20:07:12 <berti_> hi 20:07:59 <berti> Is it intentionelly that there is no div around the ul postlist on the archive page? 20:10:08 <berti> without something like <div class="e-content entry-content"... the postlist sticks to the bottom of the translationlist 20:17:11 <berti> like here: http://www.marianoguerra.org/archive.html 20:38:46 <ChrisWarrick> does it really matter? 21:01:51 <berti> at least a margin is missing 22:19:41 <polyzen> . robots_file:output/robots.txt 22:19:42 <polyzen> [2018-02-26T22:18:58Z] WARNING: Nikola: robots.txt not ending up in server root, will be useless 22:19:46 <polyzen> wut 22:58:12 <ChrisWarrick> your SITE_URL has a subdirectory