10:34:38 <ralsina> s2hc_johan: I think we could do a debug flag that prevents lxml from doing it. Is not there yet, so maybe file an issue? 11:17:59 <KwBot> [nikola] s2hc-johan opened issue #2368: possibility to make lxml doing "smart things" https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/2368 11:18:23 <s2hc_johan> ralsina: ^^^ done. 11:19:45 <s2hc_johan> ralsina: the nasty solution was to just remove that opening div from the file in output. not ideal but the benefit of a static site generator. 12:09:25 <ralsina> s2hc_johan: sed is the static generator's last source of help :-) 13:02:48 <[Tritium]> sed is enough of a pain that i JUST bult a python module to do something that sed is designed to do 13:46:14 <ralsina> [Tritium]: sed is a traditional tool, like the horse-pulled-plow and the desktop computer. 15:35:46 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska closed pull request #2367: Post is scheduled only if not draft or private (master...scheduled-not-draft-or-private) https://git.io/voYbQ 15:40:27 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#7172 (master - 2e9e904 : Chris Warrick): The build passed. 15:40:28 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/cb1bae217370...2e9e904dd411 15:40:28 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: https://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/136731293 16:12:12 <gour> hmm...it looks as if i want to port some pelican themes, i'd have to install pelican first. otoh, other possobility is to just use some CSS framework and start working on some theme from the scratch... 16:13:18 <gour> mc 16:15:11 <ralsina> gour: if they have a theme demo site, just work from it 16:15:27 <ralsina> gour: in most cases you want to develp on top of base at least 16:15:38 <ralsina> gour: there are LOTS of templates in a nikola theme 16:15:57 <gour> ralsina: they have theme demo site, but only provide screenshots and not 'live demo', afaict 16:16:08 <ralsina> too bad 16:16:42 <gour> are there any license restrictions for Nikola themes? 16:17:18 <ralsina> gour: each theme should have its own license, AFAIK 16:17:32 <ralsina> gour: if it's a theme I did, feel free to ask me for whatever license you need 16:18:41 <gour> e.g. using YAML framework requires to keep link to original site at the bottom - otherwise one has to buy the license. is building theme with it acceptable for Nikola? 16:19:16 <gour> ralsina: http://www.yaml.de/license.html 16:19:44 <ralsina> you can add that link, it's your site :-) 16:19:45 <ChrisWarrick> gour: that is completely fine 16:20:10 <ChrisWarrick> what anwful name though 16:20:12 <ChrisWarrick> an awful* 16:20:18 <ralsina> Why the hell would someone call a CSS framewaork "YAML" :-( 16:20:27 <gour> ok, for myself i do not mind to use any copyright, but use the theme and provide it to other Nikola users 16:20:28 * ralsina starts a CSS framework called HTML 16:20:44 <ChrisWarrick> 163 commits 2 branches 3 releases 8 contributors 16:20:47 <ralsina> gour: if you want others to use it, you *need* to give it a license 16:20:51 <ChrisWarrick> booring 16:21:19 <ralsina> ChrisWarrick: we probably want to make the base theme something like PD or really-relaxed-BSD 16:21:32 <ChrisWarrick> ralsina: doesn’t it inherit our MIT license? 16:21:38 <ralsina> by default, yes 16:21:46 <ralsina> it should be compatible with pretty much anything 16:21:55 <ChrisWarrick> which is about as relaxed as really relaxed BSD (2-clause) gets 16:22:09 <gour> i bet that in this case, framework is dictating to use CC-BY 2.0, right? 16:22:23 <ralsina> well 16:22:32 <ralsina> CC-BY 2.0 doesn't let you modify 16:22:42 <ralsina> so, no idea how that actually works 16:22:49 <ChrisWarrick> um, it does 16:23:07 <ralsina> right, I had it backwards 16:23:16 <ralsina> so, gour: do whatever you want 16:23:21 <ralsina> noone is going to complain 16:23:36 <ralsina> add the YAML link if you ever put a site someplace using that theme 16:23:57 <ChrisWarrick> gour: you might want to release your theme as CC-BY 2.0 just to be extra sure, but your content is not affected 16:24:12 <ralsina> I promise (and I suspect so would ChrisWarrickand Aeyoun) not to sue you for doing a Nikola theme ;-) 16:24:45 <ChrisWarrick> I’m not anywhere near America and I do not believe in a lawsuit culture 16:26:25 <gour> ok, let me work on the theme first...when i create something i'll submit it for your review 16:27:05 <gour> i also hate this court case and lawyers making money on 'intellectual property' 17:37:28 * ChrisWarrick just changed his blog license to CC BY-NC-SA (from BY-NC-ND) 17:49:03 <gour> mc 17:51:00 <ChrisWarrick> we’re not a terminal, are we now? 17:53:11 <gour> not yet...irc client is on the right, so it happens that it receives input meant for the terminal's right tab :( 17:55:07 <ChrisWarrick> tiling WM/focus follows mouse? 17:56:45 <gour> no, i'm using gnome and its terminal is tiled-left, while hexchat is tiled-right and i switch windows via kbd 17:57:32 <gour> shift-left/right is for switching tabs... 17:58:29 <gour> and alt-left/right for switching #channels...so mistakes do happen..i apologize 18:03:23 <ChrisWarrick> on my desktop, a non-maximized window is a rare sight 18:11:03 <ralsina> I have always the browser maximized and everything else half-screen 18:11:11 <ralsina> editor, IRC, whatever 18:11:29 <ralsina> and the terminal is a drop-down 18:12:36 <gour> browser, emacs etc. are also full-sized, but terminals with few tabs and irc-client are left/right tiled here 18:13:04 <punchagan> I also rarely have a non-maximized window on my screen. 18:13:05 <gour> i like that gnome can left/rigth tile windows via kbd 18:14:10 <ralsina> gour pretty much all WMs do nowadays 18:14:30 <ralsina> for example, in unity ctrl+super+left/right 18:15:04 <ralsina> ctrl+super+any-arrow (up maximizes, down un-maximizes) 18:16:12 <gour> super-/left/right here...never used unity, do you like it, ralsina? 18:16:27 <ralsina> gour: doesn't get in the way 18:16:37 <ralsina> gour: has a thing to launch things 18:16:49 <ralsina> and a thing that shows date/battery/network 18:16:54 <ralsina> what else does anyone need? 18:17:40 <ralsina> has shortcuts for all apps in the launcher, that's nice but I never remember to use them 18:17:50 <ralsina> since I have a touchscreen I just touch them 18:17:53 <gour> ralsina: weather forecast :-) 18:18:00 <ralsina> gour: I have a window 18:37:08 * ChrisWarrick loves my OSX-like desktop so much he will replace it with a real OSX desktop later this summer (hopefully) 18:37:19 <ChrisWarrick> s/my/his/ 18:38:30 <ralsina> If I did not have to code stuff I would get a chromebook 18:38:38 <ralsina> my son has one, it's the best thing ever 18:38:56 <ralsina> no maintenance, costs peanuts, works just fine, does everything I need to do except coding 18:39:04 <ChrisWarrick> I feel it would limit me too much 18:39:16 <ralsina> if someone steals it, just buy another one, and you stilll have all your state there 18:39:58 <ralsina> ChrisWarrick: for work I have to do things like setting 8 containers using orchestration stuff to test a branch 18:40:01 <ChrisWarrick> even if I didn’t code (and I could technically do it with ssh or vnc to my vps), there are tons of other things I wouldn’t mind doing that web browsers still suck at (TeX or even Microsoft Word) 18:40:18 <ralsina> office 365 18:40:33 <ralsina> And I am sure there is a LaTeX online thing somewhere 18:40:56 <ChrisWarrick> office 365 is not fully-fledged 18:41:02 <ChrisWarrick> google docs is utter garbage 18:41:17 <ChrisWarrick> there are online latex tools, but they are often inconvenient 18:41:21 <ralsina> Good enough for me 18:46:49 <ChrisWarrick> then again, I can do a lot of work over ssh, and if I had to, I could probably build some chromebook workflows 18:47:54 <ChrisWarrick> and I have a readily runnable jupyter notebook server there 18:52:38 <ralsina> whoa, chrome OS has a native SSH client in hidden shell! 18:53:18 <ralsina> *and* bash! 18:53:27 <ralsina> I am now even further tempted :-) 19:01:21 <ChrisWarrick> it’s gentoo 19:03:51 <ralsina> HEY at some point we got over 1000 stars in GH! 19:04:00 <ralsina> up to 1011 right now 19:24:26 <punchagan> Oh yes. :) 19:24:47 <punchagan> ralsina: We should do a release to put that in the release notes. :P 19:28:58 <ChrisWarrick> ralsina: (if you have no time, I can do the relase tomorrow midday) 19:41:28 <ralsina> ChrisWarrick: please. 19:41:37 <ralsina> ChrisWarrick: I expected to have some, but work swamped me