04:38:12 <[Tritium]> shower thought: Docx files are zip files containing XML. zip files are endexed from the end. nikola metadata is text, indexed from the beginning. You COULD cat the metadata onto the beginning of a docx file and have 1 file docx posts! .... seriously, dont actually implement that, but its cool that you can 07:00:38 <ChrisWarrick> [Tritium]: oh, there are so many zip hacks out there 07:00:44 <ChrisWarrick> one more can’t hurt 07:01:07 <ChrisWarrick> cat python.exe myapp.zip > myapp.exe → ./myapp.exe ./myapp.exe will work 07:01:50 <[Tritium]> mkdir foo && touch foo.... yeah i was getting at that 07:02:10 <[Tritium]> you do need a sitecustomize.py in there to tell python to execute itself 07:04:22 <[Tritium]> ... interesting tidbit from the MS docs... "MS-DOS allows you to append several binary files together using the COPY command. However, the target file that results is smaller than the sum of the source files." 07:11:21 <ChrisWarrick> do they count hdd sectors? 07:12:24 <[Tritium]> Probably 16:06:47 <gour> is install_theme obsolete or alias considering that 'theme' cmd can, seemingly, handle the same thing? 16:06:54 <ChrisWarrick> gour: obsolete 16:07:05 <gour> thanks 17:02:37 <gour> created demo site to start working on another site i want to port to nikola and it gives 'Unknown shortocode foo...' - see https://bpaste.net/show/902116de5e93 17:05:30 <gour> python3 & pip install "Nikola[extras]" typogrify 17:06:05 <gour> so, nikola-v7.7.8 17:06:40 <gour> hmm, another 'build' and no error any longer 17:30:19 <ChrisWarrick> gour: probably some issue with a shortcode 21:31:22 <sudoneko> Hi everyone, does anyone know how to add magic links to my site? I have found that you can write link://kind/name, but which file do I write this syntax in? Doesn't seem to work in the RST file. 21:41:27 <sudoneko> No worries, I have found the solution.