05:27:33 <KwBot> [plugins] tritium21 opened issue #139: Mustache TypeError https://github.com/getnikola/plugins/issues/139 08:21:24 <KwBot> [plugins] tritium21 opened issue #140: localsearch links are relative to domain root https://github.com/getnikola/plugins/issues/140 08:33:05 <KwBot> [plugins] Kwpolska closed issue #140: localsearch links are relative to domain root https://github.com/getnikola/plugins/issues/140 08:33:20 -GitHub[plugins]:#nikola- [plugins] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v22v2 08:33:20 -GitHub[plugins]:#nikola- plugins/master b8db7f4 Chris Warrick: Fix #140 08:37:41 -travis-ci:#nikola- [PLUGINS] getnikola/plugins#869 (master - b8db7f4 : Chris Warrick): The build passed. 08:37:42 -travis-ci:#nikola- [PLUGINS] Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/plugins/compare/706e9147cf8f...b8db7f4e26cc 08:37:42 -travis-ci:#nikola- [PLUGINS] Build details: https://travis-ci.org/getnikola/plugins/builds/112209473 08:39:11 <KwBot> [plugins] Kwpolska closed issue #139: Mustache TypeError https://github.com/getnikola/plugins/issues/139 08:39:23 -GitHub[plugins]:#nikola- [plugins] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v22v1 08:39:23 -GitHub[plugins]:#nikola- plugins/master ff88b31 Chris Warrick: Fix #139 08:44:59 -travis-ci:#nikola- [PLUGINS] getnikola/plugins#870 (master - ff88b31 : Chris Warrick): The build passed. 08:45:00 -travis-ci:#nikola- [PLUGINS] Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/plugins/compare/b8db7f4e26cc...ff88b31a406d 08:45:00 -travis-ci:#nikola- [PLUGINS] Build details: https://travis-ci.org/getnikola/plugins/builds/112210008 12:19:34 <Knyght> I'm just starting to look into theming. So I gather I need to put my own css files into base_helper.tmpl, the docs are a bit vague on where I start here, should I copy the base_helper.tmpl from the repo and start from there or is there some nicer way to override sections or copy the file from within nikola? 12:51:08 <ChrisWarrick> Knyght: You don’t need to edit the templates ifyou want custom CSS[3~[3~[3~[3~[3~[3~[3~[3~[3~ HTML 12:51:14 <ChrisWarrick> if you want custom CSS* 12:52:13 <ChrisWarrick> Knyght: For custom CSS only, you can just have an assets/css/custom.css file, or use one of our config file variables to add the necessary <link> tags. 12:52:50 <ChrisWarrick> Knyght: If you need to modify more HTML, the newest version of Nikola has a few helpers for creating themes and copying templates 12:53:12 <ChrisWarrick> Knyght: look at the nikola theme command (nikola theme -c base_helper.tmpl) 12:54:55 <Knyght> ChrisWarrick, I plan to use some stuff from CDNs 12:55:08 <Knyght> but thanks, that looks like what I need 12:55:31 <Knyght> oh, didn't see the bit about config variables 12:55:44 <Knyght> I will probably need to override some templates though, at some point 13:21:51 <Knyght> ChrisWarrick, sorry, do you mean using EXTRA_HEAD_DATA or should I be using something else? 13:22:08 <ChrisWarrick> Knyght: you can use extra_head_data 13:22:33 <Knyght> ok, thanks. Just wondering if that was the ideal place 13:23:06 <ChrisWarrick> yes, if you don't want to edit templates 13:30:27 <Knyght> btw, maybe could add this (the theme command) to the theming tutorial as it's not really mentioned 13:31:51 <Knyght> (or rather, replace the jankier curl) 17:54:41 <KwBot> [nikola] geekraver opened issue #2269: Nikola output is garbage for a Jupyter notebook https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/2269 18:30:22 <KwBot> [nikola] Kwpolska assigned issue #2269 to Kwpolska: Nikola output is garbage for a Jupyter notebook https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/2269 20:14:14 <KwBot> [coil] davidak opened issue #44: Layout broken https://github.com/getnikola/coil/issues/44 20:56:50 <KwBot> [nikola] Jurramach opened issue #2270: Filter issues (runinplace) https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/2270