01:02:24 <[Tritium]> can you disable galleries? I dont use it, and it addes a lot of js overhead to my uploads 03:07:10 <KwBot> [nikola] tritium21 opened issue #2257: Support breaking pages/posts into multiple pages https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/2257 03:09:04 <[Tritium]> huh. I thought github issues allowed you to label your issues even if you wernt a contributor to the project 08:58:31 <ChrisWarrick> [Tritium]: delete those files from your base theme and disable the plugin responsible for galleries (render_galleries iirc) 08:59:04 <[Tritium]> noted 08:59:12 <[Tritium]> will try tomorrow 08:59:57 <ChrisWarrick> KwBot: tell Lenz `self.site` should point to the site object, which has access a `GLOBAL_CONTEXT` dict, which you can add to using the `GLOBAL_CONTEXT` setting in conf.py. 08:59:57 <KwBot> ChrisWarrick: acknowledged. 17:32:06 <gour> hello, in recent time i was looking at flat-file CMS for our non-profit to enable non-savvy users easily adding content which led me to Grav (PHP) and Lektor (Python). what are future plans for Coil? 17:32:36 <ChrisWarrick> gour: Patches welcome. 17:33:11 <gour> ChrisWarrick: i know about it, but wonder how much is Coil used by Nikola users? 17:33:33 <ChrisWarrick> gour: Probably not much… it wasn’t too promoted, TBH 17:34:05 <gour> i see...have you maybe tried Lektor? it looks interesting... 17:40:23 <ChrisWarrick> gour: Ronacher is a butthurt baby who forces Python 2 here. Doesn’t look future-proof. 17:41:15 <gour> ChrisWarrick: that's true....i know he did start some blog engine in the past which was quickly abandoned 17:42:18 <gour> Grav is, otoh, very actively supported, but it's PHP 17:43:00 <ChrisWarrick> gour: Contribute some patches and new ideas to Coil and use that. 17:45:34 <gour> ChrisWarrick: check Grav, it has lot of useful features out-of-the-box, plenty of plugins...too bad that idea of flat-file CMS is not more popular within Nikola users 17:46:15 <ChrisWarrick> gour: perhaps it needs more promotion? I’m too busy to do some of my own projects, let alone mantain a semi-stable Flask app. 17:47:13 <gour> ChrisWarrick: i understand you're busy...here i mean more of positioning/moving Nikola from SSG to flat-file CMS 17:48:30 <gour> Nikola can even use PHP as input already 17:51:16 <zdzichu> hi guys 17:51:42 <zdzichu> I;m migrating my blog into Nikola, I'm very happy with what I'm seeing 17:52:44 <zdzichu> I have about 13 years of posts on my blog and I'd like to retain urls like this: http://enotty.pipebreaker.pl/2016/01/25/tak-sie-powinno-robic-samochody/ 17:53:29 <zdzichu> I almost got it fine with archive settings, I can go into /2016/01/25 and see the post, but the direct link does not work. Is there a setting which would help me? 17:57:34 <ChrisWarrick> zdzichu: cześć! 17:57:49 <zdzichu> cześć kwpolska 17:58:10 * gour is checking issues/milestone 17:58:26 <ChrisWarrick> zdzichu: you can get that URL structure with a bit of manual work. 17:59:33 <zdzichu> generally, I'm fine with new posts appering at /posts/; I want post made so far to stay at their urls 17:59:53 <[Tritium]> well, if you want redirects.... 18:00:57 <ChrisWarrick> zdzichu: https://chriswarrick.com/ https://github.com/Kwpolska/chriswarrick.com/tree/master/posts 18:01:41 <ChrisWarrick> zdzichu: no redirects necessary, and with ("posts/*.rst", "", "post.tmpl") in POSTS you can get /2016/01/25/ urls just fine 18:04:11 <ChrisWarrick> zdzichu: jogger [*] 18:04:51 <zdzichu> yep 18:05:12 <zdzichu> I seem to be getting somewhere 18:05:13 <zdzichu> thanks 18:26:31 <gour> anyone knows how much are python-markdown extensions compatible with php's extended markdown? 18:54:29 <zdzichu> ChrisWarrick: works perfectly. Dziękuję 18:55:12 <ChrisWarrick> :) 19:46:47 <ChrisWarrick> gour: the e-mail is perfect, btw/ 20:22:20 <gour> ChrisWarrick: thanks. you've helped me, btw ;) 22:28:47 <[Tritium]> do rst admonitions render poorly for anyone else, or is it just me? 22:30:24 <[Tritium]> http://i.imgur.com/pDAXrCk.png << like that poorly