01:17:14 <KwBot> verbalshadow: 13:53:46 <ChrisWarrick> it’s supposed to work; in fact, it does not really make sense to put it in a post 09:17:00 <zlatan> hi 09:17:50 <zlatan> I'll just cp the msg from yesterday in case someone didn't see it (and if did and answered it I would like to get answer as I was offline) 09:18:18 <zlatan> <zlatan> created images folder and added image 09:18:18 <zlatan> <zlatan> made change to config.py: 09:18:18 <zlatan> <zlatan> IMAGE_FOLDERS = {'images': 'images'} 09:18:18 <zlatan> <zlatan> IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_SIZE = 400 09:18:18 <zlatan> <zlatan> and tried to add to post (using md) as  09:18:19 <zlatan> <zlatan> but it didn't work 12:12:03 <ChrisWarrick> zlatan: (1) nobody answered it (2) what path did you use, exactly? (3) check what the <img> links to in the resulting html and compare to your directory structure 12:37:30 <ralsina> [09:12:03] <ChrisWarrick> zlatan: (1) nobody answered it (2) what path did you use, exactly? (3) check what the <img> links to in the resulting html and compare to your directory structure 13:47:16 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Aeyoun pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vLEjR 13:47:17 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master c66282a Daniel Aleksandersen: Only rebuild changed tags when changing tag descriptions 13:49:12 <KwBot> [nikola] Aeyoun opened issue #1833: Archive listing pages rebuilt on every build https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/1833 14:05:29 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#5476 (master - c66282a : Daniel Aleksandersen): The build passed. 14:05:30 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/6f3002acedf9...c66282a60bbc 14:05:30 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: https://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/67371050 14:14:58 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] damianavila created update_ipynb (+13 new commits): http://git.io/vLuqP 14:14:58 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/update_ipynb f953f56 damianavila: Making ipynb support truly agnostics in agreement with Jupyter raise... 14:14:58 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/update_ipynb e669cd3 damianavila: Revert back to not use a new format parameter. 14:14:58 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/update_ipynb 3e6e9aa damianavila: Create the notebook programmatically and do not create it by template. Also create a clean notebook with agnostic properties (openable by any kernel). 14:17:10 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] damianavila closed pull request #1774: Making ipynb support truly agnostics in agreement with Jupyter raise... (master...update_ipynb) http://git.io/vk6QY 14:19:26 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] damianavila opened pull request #1834: Agnostic IPynb, supersede 1774 (master...update_ipynb) http://git.io/vLuY5 14:49:04 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#5477 (update_ipynb - a18aeff : damianavila): The build failed. 14:49:05 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/f953f569e2bb^...a18aeffd8a41 14:49:05 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: https://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/67375391 15:10:35 -GitHub[coil]:#nikola- [coil] Kwpolska pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/vLuor 15:10:35 -GitHub[coil]:#nikola- coil/master 0ceaeca Chris Warrick: v1.3.1: use rq from pypi... 15:10:35 -GitHub[coil]:#nikola- coil/master cf5cef5 Chris Warrick: Merge branch 'release/1.3.1' 15:10:55 -GitHub[coil]:#nikola- [coil] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to develop: http://git.io/vLuo9 15:10:55 -GitHub[coil]:#nikola- coil/develop 081a352 Chris Warrick: Merge branch 'release/1.3.1' into develop 15:11:21 <ChrisWarrick> gotta love coil and its fully automated release process 15:18:24 -GitHub[coil]:#nikola- [coil] Kwpolska pushed 2 new commits to develop: http://git.io/vLuPZ 15:18:24 -GitHub[coil]:#nikola- coil/develop 1fafb56 Chris Warrick: fix changelog... 15:18:24 -GitHub[coil]:#nikola- coil/develop 69ce74a Chris Warrick: update PyPT... 15:23:23 -GitHub[coil]:#nikola- [coil] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to develop: http://git.io/vLu1E 15:23:23 -GitHub[coil]:#nikola- coil/develop 6f6629e Chris Warrick: missing files... 15:28:47 -GitHub[coil]:#nikola- [coil] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to develop: http://git.io/vLuy3 15:28:47 -GitHub[coil]:#nikola- coil/develop 07950e6 Chris Warrick: Changelog compatible with PyPT... 16:12:11 <ralsina> ChrisWarrick: I think we should delay 7.5.2 until damian is done with the ipynb stuff. It's a nice feature to add. Also, until I fix auto for py3, which is going to take a few days 16:12:20 <ChrisWarrick> ralsina: sure 16:12:29 <ralsina> kicking it down a week 16:33:12 <zlatan> ChrisWarrick, ralsina hi, wasn't around (had unfortunate event) - so the path is one that I posted (using markdown, , images dir is created in blog dir) 16:33:31 <ChrisWarrick> zlatan: try using  16:33:43 <ChrisWarrick> zlatan: and looking in your output folder to see how it’s organized 16:34:19 <zlatan> the img src in output for the first is the same as in md...will now try the suggestion 16:36:48 <zlatan> hm when I changed to your suggestion img src still stayed with ../ 16:39:04 <ralsina> zlatan: yes, we tweak the paths when writig the HTML (otherwise things would break a lot). Just use /images/whatever in your source markdown and see if it points to the right place. If it doesn't, then let's see where the image is and where you are pointing to :-) 16:41:04 <zlatan> ralsina, I made /images/pic.png in md...images folder is created inside blog folder (where the post folder is and everything else), html img src="../images/pic.png" - it looks to me it points fine, just pic doesn't get displayed (shows as broken pic) 16:41:58 <ralsina> zlatan: I can't quite follow you 16:42:11 <zlatan> I'll try to be more clear 16:42:21 <ralsina> zlatan: can you do a tiny site showing this? like nikola init -q, add the image and the post? 16:42:33 <ralsina> then I can just see it :-) 16:42:59 <zlatan> I am using build && serve on my local machine 16:43:15 <zlatan> can I take a screenshot an attach it somewhere? 16:43:21 <zlatan> and* 16:43:22 <ralsina> ok, I'll just ask you a few questions, ok? 16:43:29 <zlatan> yep, go ahead 16:43:48 <ralsina> what's IMAGES_FOLDER in your conf.py? 16:44:11 <ralsina> FOLDERS* 16:45:38 <zlatan> I put IMAGE_FOLDERS 16:45:47 <zlatan> IMAGE_FOLDERS = {'images': 'images'} 16:45:47 <zlatan> IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_SIZE = 400 16:45:50 <ralsina> ok 16:46:13 <ralsina> so, what's the path of the image you are linking to, relative to conf.py? images/<what>? 16:47:29 <zlatan> path of the image is images/pic.png 16:47:56 <ralsina> ok. So, you have output/images/pic.png ? 16:49:16 <zlatan> hm there is no images in output 16:50:40 <ralsina> ok, so that's a problem :-) 16:50:51 <zlatan> yep :) 16:50:57 <ralsina> what happens with nikola build output/images/pic.png ? 16:51:57 <zlatan> is that a command to run or question for me? :) 16:55:52 <zlatan> basically what I did is put that images (cp it from nikola handbook) into config.py, created manually images dir and put inside pic.png, create md post and put  and run build and serve 16:56:09 <ralsina> a question to you, what happens if you run that command :-) 16:59:20 <zlatan> Scanning posts......done! 16:59:20 <zlatan> ERROR: cmd `run` invalid parameter: "output/images/programerslife.png".Must be a task, or a target. 16:59:20 <zlatan> Type "doit list" to see available tasks 16:59:42 <zlatan> (and yes, a typo on programmer :) 17:03:37 <ralsina> hmmm 17:03:52 <ralsina> ok, so ... something is strange. 17:03:59 <ralsina> what version of Nikola is that? 17:05:55 <zlatan> and now the yelling comes: the debian version, 7.1 17:06:04 <zlatan> :D 17:06:14 <ralsina> so, that's it :-) 17:06:49 <zlatan> :) so markdown for images was broken/not implemented in that version? 17:09:10 <ralsina> No, it doesn't have the plugin to copy/resize the images/ folder 17:09:40 <ralsina> you could just put your image in files/images/whatever.png if you want, it should "just work" but you don't get automatic thumbnails 17:12:03 <ChrisWarrick> zlatan: and this is why you should apt-get remove nikola and install it from somewhere sane! 17:12:32 <zlatan> okay, thanks. I really do like nikola currently (it's named by my countryman and it's python with nice theme) and if I get time soon I'll do NMU on debian version 17:26:36 <ralsina> zlatan: awesome :-) 17:27:00 * ralsina adds "build standalone nikola using nuitka" to his "let´s do this someday" list 17:27:54 <zlatan> ralsina, just one more question: I intend to use deploy_github - is that maybe also not implemented/partially implemented in 7.1 version? 17:28:09 <ralsina> zlatan: le me check the changelog 17:28:48 <ralsina> zlatan: it was there since 7.0 but I don't know how buggy it may be :-) 17:28:55 <ralsina> worst case, you do it using git 17:29:23 <zlatan> okay, that shouldn't be a problem then I guess :) 17:29:40 <zlatan> thanks and keep good work on this great piece of code :) 17:32:54 <ChrisWarrick> ralsina: we could probably just e-mail Kay and ask for simple instructions 17:34:15 <ralsina> ChrisWarrick: it's supposed to be very easy. It's just that the nuitka from ubuntu doesn't work at all. 17:34:32 <ChrisWarrick> pip install nuitka? 17:36:47 <ralsina> yes, I need to do some experimenting 17:37:05 <ralsina> but this week... bad week. Way too busy :-( 17:37:31 <ralsina> also, it probably will rely on libxml2 and whatnot 18:24:52 <KwBot> [nikola] Kwpolska assigned issue #1831 to Kwpolska: Checking links after checking files during deploy output errors about drafts https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/1831 18:28:12 <KwBot> [nikola] Kwpolska closed issue #1831: Checking links after checking files during deploy output errors about drafts https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/1831 18:28:27 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vLgGy 18:28:27 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master 0868c96 Chris Warrick: Fix #1831 -- ignore non-files in nikola check -l... 18:54:14 <KwBot> [nikola] Aeyoun closed issue #1833: Archive listing pages rebuilt on every build https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/1833 18:54:26 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Aeyoun pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vLgut 18:54:26 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master 81c6cfd Daniel Aleksandersen: Sort yearly archive task generation.... 18:54:58 <KwBot> [nikola] Aeyoun assigned issue #1833 to Aeyoun: Archive listing pages rebuilt on every build https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/1833 19:01:31 <Aeyoun> ChrisWarrick: you tell me what went wrong. I don’t understand why it would be significant. When the task generation order varies it caused all of them to be rebuilt. I don’t understand why. Sorting the years here made the task generation order predictable and it stopped the rebuilding loop. 19:01:45 <ChrisWarrick> Aeyoun: awesome 19:02:17 <Aeyoun> ChrisWarrick: I don’t know why this started breaking only recently either. 19:02:20 <ChrisWarrick> Aeyoun: please try with list() instead of a comprehension and add a comment pointing to the issue # just in case 19:02:25 <ChrisWarrick> Nikola can be crazy sometimes 19:03:31 <Aeyoun> ChrisWarrick: archive task generation is crazy with all the back-and-forth between different preparation methods. 19:04:38 <ChrisWarrick> it was done by Felix the let’s-complicate-everything guy 19:05:04 <Aeyoun> ChrisWarrick: though the order is only random if you have three years or more. a site with two years seem to always come out in the same order. for some random reason. 19:05:15 <ChrisWarrick> ALL HAIL HEISENBUGS 19:06:12 <Aeyoun> —and only in py3. py2.7 doesn’t care about the task order. 19:06:20 * Aeyoun has no idea why 19:06:51 <Aeyoun> Sorting the years made the problem go away, and I’m happy with that. ;) 19:07:47 <Aeyoun> ChrisWarrick: will change it to list. just need to run it through fifty iterations of build-and-sleep-loops to double-triple-check that it stays fixed. 19:08:19 <ChrisWarrick> while true; do nikola build; sleep 1; done 19:08:34 <Aeyoun> for i in `seq 25`; do nikola build; sleep 5 ; done 19:08:49 <ChrisWarrick> does seq 25 generate 50 numbers? 19:09:28 <ChrisWarrick> it doesn’t 19:09:28 * ChrisWarrick goes afk 19:10:40 <Aeyoun> ChrisWarrick: no, but running it twice in parallel on two copies of the same site. ;) 19:11:39 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Aeyoun pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vLgrR 19:11:39 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master c51d8c3 Daniel Aleksandersen: list() me as fixed 19:30:34 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#5480 (master - 81c6cfd : Daniel Aleksandersen): The build was broken. 19:30:35 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/0868c96d83f6...81c6cfdf3a86 19:30:35 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: https://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/67416462 19:40:02 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#5481 (master - c51d8c3 : Daniel Aleksandersen): The build is still failing. 19:40:03 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/81c6cfdf3a86...c51d8c372e8f 19:40:03 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: https://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/67418750 20:00:39 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] felixfontein pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vLgdD 20:00:39 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master d93e32b Felix Fontein: Fixed #1833. 20:21:23 -travis-ci:#nikola- getnikola/nikola#5482 (master - d93e32b : Felix Fontein): The build is still failing. 20:21:24 -travis-ci:#nikola- Change view: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/compare/c51d8c372e8f...d93e32bd4438 20:21:25 -travis-ci:#nikola- Build details: https://travis-ci.org/getnikola/nikola/builds/67425153 20:22:33 <KwBot> [nikola] alex-korobkov opened issue #1835: nikola auto fails: missing "pyinotify" Python package. https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/1835 20:25:37 <zlatan> needed to push it via git it worked...just funny part, I started thinking to set glider for favicon but somehow it is already although I didn't do anything 20:40:20 <KwBot> [nikola] ralsina closed issue #1835: "nikola auto" fails: missing "pyinotify" Python package. https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/1835