02:39:38 <KwBot> [nikola] xuhdev opened issue #1829: Index view: the second index page always get the smallest number of posts https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/1829 03:29:13 <KwBot> [nikola] xuhdev opened issue #1830: "nikola auto" breaks on Python 3 in 7.5.1 (was good in 7.5.0) https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/1830 05:10:37 <verbalshadow> does post-list not work from stories? doesn't seem to when i try it :( 09:59:19 <ElPasmo> Hi all, how can I limit the number of pots shown in my home page? I'm using a custom theme which parent is the oldfashioned theme 10:42:34 <KwBot> [nikola] ralsina closed issue #1829: Index view: the second index page always get the smallest number of posts https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/1829 10:43:34 <KwBot> [nikola] ralsina assigned issue #1830 to ralsina: "nikola auto" breaks on Python 3 in 7.5.1 (was good in 7.5.0) https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/1830 13:00:01 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] ralsina pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vLW3n 13:00:01 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master 21a547f Roberto Alsina: updated translations 13:29:10 <ElPasmo> Hi all, how can I limit the number of posts shown in my index.html? I'm using a custom theme which parent is the oldfashioned theme 13:33:20 <erdgeist_> ElPasmo: Doesn't INDEX_DISPLAY_POST_COUNT = 23 13:33:22 <erdgeist_> work? 13:53:46 <ChrisWarrick> KwBot: tell verbalshadow it’s supposed to work; in fact, it does not really make sense to put it in a post 13:53:46 <KwBot> ChrisWarrick: acknowledged. 13:54:29 <ChrisWarrick> ElPasmo: yeah, the setting will do it, the theme does not care about pagination 13:56:18 <KwBot> [nikola] Kwpolska assigned issue #1829 to Kwpolska: Index view: the second index page always get the smallest number of posts https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/1829 13:56:23 <KwBot> [nikola] Kwpolska reopened issue #1829: Index view: the second index page always get the smallest number of posts https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/1829 14:02:29 <zlatan> hi folks 14:02:40 <zlatan> I am in process of transfering from ghost to nikola 14:03:19 <zlatan> and I am wondering if I set the post time to some time in past will nikola recognize that and build rss properly? 14:12:44 <Aeyoun> zemanel: yes, it will. 14:13:03 <Aeyoun> zemanel: archives and indexes as well. 14:13:04 <zemanel> @Aeyoun wrong guy :-) 14:13:14 <Aeyoun> z+autocomplete, sorry. :) 14:13:17 <Aeyoun> zlatan: you! 14:15:23 <ElPasmo> erdgeist_: Thanks, it was that :) 14:21:02 <zlatan> Aeyoun, cool. thanks! needed to make sure it will not spam planet.d.o when I start cp-ing and building old posts :) 14:22:48 <Aeyoun> zlatan: that is entirely up to the rss processor, though. your feel will change a bit when going from one cms to another. depending on how they cache a feed and determine entries and the feed's "freshness" you could end up spamming them from no fault of your own. 14:24:14 <zlatan> well I used ikiwiki in past..lately started fresh blog with ghost and compiled static pages to github but they started doing crap in development 14:24:25 <zlatan> nikola is for now doing fine on my local machine 14:25:12 <zlatan> I'll however try hard not to spam planet.debian.org (requested temporary deactivation of my blog) 14:32:06 <ChrisWarrick> since you’re on debian, how did you install nikola? 14:33:58 <zlatan> sudo apt install nikola 14:36:34 <ChrisWarrick> zlatan: this is evil 14:36:52 <zlatan> ChrisWarrick, ? 14:36:55 <ChrisWarrick> zlatan: the debian packages are godawfully outdated 14:37:08 <ChrisWarrick> zlatan: please create a virtualenv and install nikola there to use something more modern 14:37:30 * ChrisWarrick provisions a debian vm to get a send bug report 14:37:47 <zlatan> ChrisWarrick, debian has 7.1 - is that too much out of date? 14:38:09 <ChrisWarrick> zlatan: very 14:38:41 <ChrisWarrick> zlatan: newest is v7.5.1 (released last Friday) 14:38:56 <ChrisWarrick> zlatan: v7.1.0 was released on 2014-09-06 14:39:41 <zlatan> ChrisWarrick, well that is pretty much okay by debian (we entered Jessie freeze in October/November 2014) 14:39:50 <zlatan> and released in may 14:40:05 <zlatan> so maybe maintainer is now working on new upstream release 14:40:05 <ChrisWarrick> but you are out of the freeze now, and sid could probably get an upgrade 14:40:31 <ChrisWarrick> updating Nikola packages should not take more than 5 minutes, we almost never change anything 14:41:17 <zlatan> well then it shouldn't really be a big problem if you don't change much? 14:41:36 <ChrisWarrick> no 14:41:41 <ChrisWarrick> we almost never change anything in the setup process 14:42:04 <ChrisWarrick> https://getnikola.com/changes.html 14:44:07 <zlatan> right 14:44:24 <zlatan> I'll see if I can catch maintainer in our irc channels 14:44:36 <zlatan> to ask if he is working on update 14:50:09 * ChrisWarrick just sent a bug report 14:50:30 <ChrisWarrick> zlatan: why wouldn’t they just do the past few versions btw? 14:51:03 <zlatan> ChrisWarrick, it seems there is only one maintainer of nikola 14:51:10 <zlatan> can't find him on our channels 14:51:40 <zlatan> pardon, two 14:51:42 <ChrisWarrick> zlatan: the package page lists out two 14:51:55 <ChrisWarrick> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=789072 14:53:58 <zlatan> neither the other one resides in our channels (not at least by nick he uses for @d.o address) 14:54:37 <zlatan> if you say there aren't setup changes (so no additional added/removed dependency and configurations) then I guess it would be sane just to upgrade to latest 14:54:48 <zlatan> but I can't comment in their name 14:56:54 <ChrisWarrick> even if there were changes, they should not take long either 14:59:12 <zlatan> agree, although it's much easier to communicate and follow upstream and not find breakage of dependencies while testing in chroot 15:43:04 <zlatan> ChrisWarrick, is nikola only py2 or also py3? 15:43:11 <ChrisWarrick> zlatan: both 15:43:31 <ChrisWarrick> (2.7+/3.3+) 15:43:58 <zlatan> ChrisWarrick, since which version (just trying to see what all isn't set correctly in debian package) 15:44:08 <ChrisWarrick> zlatan: ? 15:44:31 <ChrisWarrick> what would be wrong? 15:44:36 <zlatan> ChrisWarrick, since which version of nikola do you have py2/py3 support 15:44:41 <ChrisWarrick> long ago 15:44:59 <ChrisWarrick> the debian package is py2-only, which is fine 15:45:15 <zlatan> it shouldn't be problem building py3 15:46:37 <ChrisWarrick> but why bother 15:48:18 <zlatan> because we have an movement (py3-porters) that are trying to port everything to py3 because ultimate plan is to remove py2 from debian one day 15:48:44 <ChrisWarrick> where “one day” means 2030 by debian’s standards 15:53:35 <KwBot> [nikola] Kwpolska closed issue #1828: Bootstrap 3.3.5 released https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/1828 15:53:48 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vLlr9 15:53:48 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master 8ad940e Chris Warrick: Bootstrap v3.3.5 (fixes #1828)... 15:54:13 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska force-pushed master from 8ad940e to d4befbe: http://git.io/wJV7fg 15:54:13 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master d4befbe Chris Warrick: Bootstrap v3.3.5 (fixes #1828)... 15:56:57 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska force-pushed master from d4befbe to 8a69e98: http://git.io/wJV7fg 15:56:57 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master 8a69e98 Chris Warrick: Bootstrap v3.3.5 (fixes #1828)... 16:13:30 <ralsina> zlatan: it's at least version 5 or something 16:14:11 <ralsina> version 5.2 16:14:17 <zlatan> ChrisWarrick, hah yeah :D well Python Foundation is trying for long time to do that...Debian will help 16:14:39 <zlatan> it was set for stretch but probably buster is more sane 16:14:43 <ChrisWarrick> zlatan: debian will have to go through their ultra slow release process first 16:14:46 <ralsina> that is ... 2013 16:14:46 <zlatan> ralsina, thanks :) 16:15:05 <ralsina> we are removing python2 from the default install in ubuntu already 16:15:05 <ChrisWarrick> fedora is going to be there first 16:15:22 <zlatan> ChrisWarrick, well we set our ReleaseGoals and follow that through release 16:15:41 <ChrisWarrick> (and arch is there for a long time) 16:16:01 <zlatan> ChrisWarrick, doesn't mean necessarily...Debian got gnome 3.14 into unstable before Fedora got it for example 16:16:18 <ChrisWarrick> zlatan: congratulations, now get it into stable 16:16:33 <zlatan> ChrisWarrick, it is in stable release 16:16:53 <ChrisWarrick> and how long did it take? 16:17:39 <zlatan> 5 days I think (gnome 3.14 was released just before our freeze) 16:18:47 <ChrisWarrick> congratulations 16:19:02 <ChrisWarrick> still, debian is not the fastest repo to get things done 16:20:01 <zlatan> depends what are you trying to do and what do you want from distro (and understand its policy and infrastructure) 16:21:42 * ChrisWarrick remembers getting angry at jessie for old packages and upgrading to testing; also, I really love systemd — and that’s why I switched my VPS to Fedora 16:22:29 <zlatan> we use systemd by default and I am running sid+exp for quite a time without big problems 16:22:57 <ChrisWarrick> s/jessie/wheezy/ 16:23:24 <ChrisWarrick> I tried installing systemd, and it lacked a lot of service files 16:24:12 <zlatan> well that is the process, maintainers need to build service files for it 16:24:44 <zlatan> but I must admit our systemd team is great (very up-to-date and fixed a lot of bugs systemd introduced by itself) 16:29:56 <ralsina> ChrisWarrick: looks like we should add something in our release process about readthedocs. It has two versions: latest and 6.4.0 :-P 16:30:13 <ChrisWarrick> ralsina: just disable the latter 16:30:25 <ChrisWarrick> ralsina: I sort of want to add “fire off an e-mail to the debian maintainers” today 16:30:27 <ralsina> Ill get around to it eventually 16:30:40 <ralsina> the readthedocs one, not the debian one 16:30:40 * ChrisWarrick will get around to it right now 16:30:53 * ChrisWarrick is logging into rtd 16:32:32 <ChrisWarrick> done 16:37:33 <ChrisWarrick> checklist update done (e-mail sent before) 16:37:42 -GitHub[meta]:#nikola- [releng] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vLlp8 16:37:42 -GitHub[meta]:#nikola- releng/master 941a4fb Chris Warrick: Add Debian bug report task to checklist... 16:38:32 <ChrisWarrick> also, just updated themes site 16:38:38 <ChrisWarrick> hope it works 16:39:17 -GitHub[themes]:#nikola- [nikola-themes] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vLlh7 16:39:17 -GitHub[themes]:#nikola- nikola-themes/master 761dedf Chris Warrick: Bootstrap v3.3.5... 17:59:42 <KwBot> [nikola] Aeyoun opened issue #1831: Checking links after checking files during deploy output errors about drafts https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/1831 18:06:23 <KwBot> [nikola] Aeyoun opened issue #1832: Auto should `except KeyboardInterrupt` for shutting down server https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/1832 18:11:49 <KwBot> [nikola] Kwpolska assigned issue #1832 to Kwpolska: Auto should `except KeyboardInterrupt` for shutting down server https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/1832 18:12:52 <KwBot> [nikola] Kwpolska closed issue #1832: Auto should `except KeyboardInterrupt` for shutting down server https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues/1832 18:13:04 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- [nikola] Kwpolska pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vL8Xd 18:13:04 -GitHub[nikola]:#nikola- nikola/master 6f3002a Chris Warrick: fix #1832 -- replace hack with proper exit (thanks to watchdog)... 22:58:04 <zlatan> hello again 22:58:38 <zlatan> just wondering how do you insert images into post 22:58:48 <zlatan> created images folder and added image 22:59:04 <zlatan> made change to config.py: 22:59:05 <zlatan> IMAGE_FOLDERS = {'images': 'images'} 22:59:05 <zlatan> IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_SIZE = 400 22:59:38 <zlatan> and tried to add to post (using md) as  22:59:44 <zlatan> but it didn't work